Update finally!

Apr 19, 2006 17:32

Well i haven't updated in forever! I never do...I always get on here and read everyone's journal but i don't feel like updating.

*Spring Break was pretty good, I didnt do much just hung out with jeremy and Laurisa spent the night with me.

*We have 23 days of school left and then im a Senior it is kinda hard to believe, but i am stoked.

*Prom is saturday and it is freakin supposed to rain and it pisses me off. but i am kinda excited not as excited as Jeremy. lol its so cute.

*Friday Jeremy and I are going to Cheddars and eating.

*Friday Prom Committee wont be at school and im so glad we will be Holiday Inn.

*Softball is going and I really enjoy it. We are doing really good and I'm so glad.

*Mollie Sue has been really sick she has bad infections but she is doing better now.

*AFter Prom Jeremy's family and my family are all getting together at his mamaws. it should be interesting.

*My car is in the process of being painted but i dont know what color i want right now.

*Jeremy and I already have plans for the summer..we are going to the beach and maybe Atlanta, I can't wait. :)

Well that is all for now.

<33 Shauna N.
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