*picks random fight*xmaninblackxJanuary 7 2004, 16:27:15 UTC
You dumb biatch...PETA is notorious for being one of the worst charity organizations in existence. Here is why;
1. Less than 1% of there income goes to actually helping animals. 2. They are supporters of violence to achieve their radical goals. 3. Their ajenda includes such ridiculous goals as euthanizing pit- bulls and illegalizing the keeping of pets.
Just thought i would inform your all-too-quick-to-join-a-supposed-good-cause-to-feel-high-and-mighty-ass
Re: *picks random fight*xmaninblackxJanuary 11 2004, 15:57:08 UTC
No you didn't ask me, but i am trying to help you my enlightening you about your misinformation. As a vegetarian I'm sure you do your fair-share of "enlightening" so i am doing the same thing.
As for you saying you don't care, I wish you did because you basically just said you dont care about animals and that is sad.
Re: *picks random fight*xmaninblackxJanuary 13 2004, 17:35:52 UTC
I can ASSUME that you have good intentions but you are mostly concerned with looking compassionate. I am only SPECULATING but by not realy caring about the type of things that an animal rights group actually does and still supporting it. It sure comes out looking that way.
Re: *picks random fight*xmaninblackxJanuary 14 2004, 14:13:53 UTC
Thanks for the completely ignorant comment. I do not care if she is a vegetarian or not. This is all about PETA. An organization that is corrupt and has hardly done anything to help animals. Support a real organization like the World Wildlife Federation. PETA is a joke and a media whore. So get informed and go down to the local humane society, on the way quit PETA.
1. Less than 1% of there income goes to actually helping animals.
2. They are supporters of violence to achieve their radical goals.
3. Their ajenda includes such ridiculous goals as euthanizing pit- bulls and illegalizing the keeping of pets.
Just thought i would inform your all-too-quick-to-join-a-supposed-good-cause-to-feel-high-and-mighty-ass
Your Welcome,
Jon Aimone
As for you saying you don't care, I wish you did because you basically just said you dont care about animals and that is sad.
i hate animals.
im glad you know me so well.
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