Title: No Love for Reita
Chapter(s): 1/1 [Part of the Membranophones and Oh, Hello series]
xxshamisenGenre: Romance
Rating: G
Warnings: Retarded talking xDD
Pairing: Kai/Uruha, implied Aoi/Ruki
Disclaimer: Don't own anything except for my stories.
Summary: Sometimes Reita just feels really unloved.
Comment: That Kai/Uruha series is back again, haha! Honestly I missed these two, and seeing as I can't write anything too long as of the moment, I took this opportunity. And yes there is no love for Reita here, LOL. >D For #104 of
“Uruha just pay attention to me for a second!”
Reita frowned as the other man continued to ignore him. Apparently Uruha found it more important to play some dumb kids game than to talk to his best friend about what exactly it is that happened yesterday or at least this morning. It was odd enough that he was the first one to arrive at the studio, usually it was Kai who did, but it was even odder that Kai was the last one to arrive, together with none other than Uruha. The bassist decided to turn a blind eye when Kai insisted to make French toast for everybody first before going to practice and letting them do whatever, but this was driving Reita crazy. If something happened between the two of them then Reita had to know. He sighed - this was exactly like that time where he found Ruki on top of Aoi, with the older’s clothes all ripped off. They reasoned that it was Koron who ripped Aoi’s shirt (seeing as Ruki brought his dog that day). He simply gave those two the benefit of the doubt and let the incident slip, but not this time, not when it was Uruha.
The room was silent except for the obnoxious ‘GET! GET!’ sound that Uruha’s game had every ten seconds. The objective of the game was to get as much gold (or whatever the hell that golden orb was, Reita didn’t really care anymore) as he could and as a hardcore gamer, Reita would’ve enjoyed it too no matter how retarded it looked. But not today, not when his best friend was ignoring him, not when the other man was obviously hiding something from him.
Footsteps started to emerge from outside the lounge and Reita turned back. It was Kai, sporting a million and one-megawatt smile that was even brighter than his normal million and one-megawatt smiles, and Reita could swear he also grew a dimple in his right cheek overnight. “Aoi and Ruki are already in the practice room, they said they ate breakfast already,” the drummer chirped, setting the plate of French toasts on the coffee table in front of Reita. The latter could only raise a confused brow towards Kai, asking him with his eyes what exactly it was that happened. “Huh? What’s that look for, Reita-kun?”
His puzzled expression turned into a pout, then to a frown. Kai was certainly playing dumb, and he’s already had enough. Just as he was about to bang his fist at the armrest of the couch he was sitting at and shout those words on top of his lungs, Uruha stood up, made his way behind the cheerful drummer as he put an arm around his neck, and kissed him on the cheek. Kai chuckled softly, muttering a small, “Stop that.”
Reita couldn’t believe his eyes (well actually he could, but still). Uruha just smirked. “Kai-chan GET~”