Morning from Chicago, flist! It's not even 9:30 in the morning here and we didn't go to bed until 5:00 in the morning (YEAH, I KNOW, RIGHT?) but somehow...we are all awake. "We" being my wonderful band of crazies,
herowlness and
sarah_p! After the four of us having converged here at the Wyndham O'Hare from three different states entirely, you would think that we would have all sacked out early and slept late, but...OH NO. We're currently in the process of showering and getting dressed and that leaves time to finally update you all and say hey!
Last night, Sarah and Lizzy got in to our hotel at a respectable 7:00 or so p.m. but Rachel and I didn't taxi into O'Hare until quarter of midnight. Luckily, we were able to catch a shuttle with relative ease and in spite of tromping through the rain, we made it here intact at around 12:30 (or perhaps later, says Sarah, "No, it was around 1!") and were able to come straight up to our suite (bedroom with two beds and a bathroom, adjoined to a living room with an unstocked bar and another bathroom!) and and skip the check-in process entirely. Naturally, Lizzy was asleep and Sarah was reading...some book for school that she's never going to touch again this weekend now that we're all here.
Though we were vastly unproductive and loud for well over an hour, we did settle down eventually for a rousing round of Circle of Death. Which sounds a lot more ominous than it is. Quell your fast-rising mental images of anything that involves sharp weapons or bloodshed and instead picture us sitting in a circle on the floor and playing a card game (the cards are fanned in a circle, each person draws a card and each card has its own mini-game or set of rules) drinking cocktails of Hawaiian Punch & vodka, Sierra Mist & Strawberry Schnapps-something-something and Pepsi & Captain Morgan. More craziness definitely ensued. Such as the repeated use of the word "pa-whore" and phrase, "tab A, slot B," having to divulge a Jared and/or Jensen sexual fantasy before every drink and a slightly drunken reenactment of a certain dances to a certain Survivor song. We were supposed to be watching last night's episode of SPN after all of this (Lizzy got right on downloading it for Rachel and I since we missed it and she and Sarah were lucky enough to see it while here D:) but the boozin' interfered and we eventually called it a very, very late night in favor of passing out straight away.
There is the abridged version of what I've been doing up until right now. And now that you know everything you never needed to know, I can get to the point and say, yeah, I'm here, I'm GREAT, I love these girls and I'm so excited for the rest of the weekend! And with that note, I'm going to leave you so that I can take my shower and we can go register and FINALLY get something to eat! More from me later, hope you're all having a lovely Friday, wherever you are!
ETA: This is
sarah_p, hijacking Erin's journal while she's brushing her teeth...BECAUSE I CAN. I would like to clarify that while the other girls might have spent the ENTIRE EVENING mocking my choice of Jensen and Jared sexual fantasies, that SARAN WRAP is a totally valid form of sexy expression, and THEY JUST WISH THEY HAD THOUGHT OF IT FIRST.
This ends this special interruption--please return to doing whatever you were doing in Erin's journal.