Mar 24, 2008 15:08

Hmmm...Today i almost got into a accident..i decided to not look in my mirrors or over my shoulder to get over...really i couldnt tell you why..i was on hall road which isnt busy at all and i just wasnt thinking..and low and behold there was a car comming up behind me.  hahaha ahhh and to make it worse it was a big suv.  I was rly tired shut up.

Yesterday was easter..I went out to my aunts an hour away..ate alot of RLY good food that i would love to eat again soon, played with my sister and cousin which are both 7, i coulda went on the 4 wheeler but i really didnt feel like it.  Then we went to my aunts in new boston...i was rly tired there...so it wasnt much fun.  Then i came home and ryan came and picked me up and we rented some movies and came back here and watched one that was fucking stupid, then i made brandon come over and watch My girl 2!!! Ryan wasnt having any of that and he left.  Then brandon left after the movie and i went to bed.  hahaha

Today woke up, went with dad so he could get blood taken...then drove around...visited my papa and then went to my house hugged and kissed my dog, got some clothes and now i am back at my dads...gotta babysit tonite.  BUT Brandon might be bringing his wii over to play mario kart!!! oh oh ya.  OMG and i will ask him to borrow it and i will play super mario all fucking nite long!  OMG YA
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