(no subject)

Feb 24, 2007 12:52

Both of my dogs, Ruby and Ziggy, got out of the backyard last night around 5:30..
They didn't have their collars on. I walked the whole fucking neighborhood up and down with Krystal and we didn't find anything..
We stopped looking around 7 and let mom and dad look. Mom found Ruby around 8, tho. Right where me and Krystal had passed-- about 5 times -_-

we haven't found Ziggy yet.. We think somebody picked him up because he's very friendly and loves him some people. Mom called all the shelters and whatnot and she told me she made some posters, too.

Anyways, here's some pictures of my puppies.

This is my Ziggy

Ziggy, making faces

Here's Little Ruby (even tho she's bigger than Ziggy. Oh, yeah, bad Lighting)

and this is a close up of Ruby

::sigh:: Ruby looks like she's been missing Ziggy just as much as I do.
Her eyes are so sad..

On completly different note--
If you want a movie that just makes you wanna hate an Iranian (not that i hate them, cause i have some in the family) watch a movie called "Not Without My Daughter". It is a very, very intense movie. Very good, also.
Its about this American woman, Betty, who married an Iranian man, Moody, in Michigan. He talked her into going to visit his family in Iran, and she reluctantly agreed. Everything was fine for awhile, until her husband informs her that they will not be going home. Moody gets all uber religious on her and will not Betty do anything-- cause what the husband wants is what the wife wants over there, apparently. As in, the wife has no fucking rights unless her husband grants them to her.
Betty tries her hardest to get back home with her daughter. She goes to the American Interest Section of the Swiss Embassy (because there is no longer a US Embassy in Iran-- go figure) and they tell her that they can figure out a way to send Betty back, but there was no way they could send the daughter with her, because the daughter (Mahtob) belongs to the father and was an Iranian citizen- Because when a woman from out of the country marries an Iranian man she automatically becomes a citizen of Iran-_-
At some point, when Moody actually lets Betty out of the house to do some shopping (OMG!), Betty goes and looks for a telephone to call an Embassy or something. A man named Houssein, who worked in a men's suit store let Betty use his phone.
He overheard her. He was a big fan of America. He wound up becoming an ally and helping her by setting up a plan to sneak her out of the country.

It was really good O_o
Go watch it. Now!

not without my daughter, lost doggies, ziggy

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