Mar 30, 2002 22:00
Do u ever get a weird feeling in ur stomach? Like something bad is gonna happen soon. I have that rite now. I've always got those feelings on occasion....since i was little. I Just feel like crying or something becuz of it. ITS weird and i sound like a freak. :) i think i might be worried about school. i have a lott to worry about in that area seriously. i dont wanna talk about that though cuz i get enough headaches now adays. * iiii never dooo ne thing that pleasesss maybbee weee...are better off..aaappart...* thats a new song . i like it. its sad though. its on my new brandy cd that shakira got me for my bday. whichhh was yesterday! thanx to everyone who said happy bday! :)
Im not doing nething tomorrow for easter. how boring. i prolly wont talk to himm til late monday mayyybe. i was really disapointed today..i thought we'd do someting..but instead he did with his friend. and his cousin. fine. whatever. then when he left my house i was scared for him for some reason. i dunno y. then i start getting scared that im never gonna see him again. i cant help it its weird. i worry that hes gonna not necessarily dieeee..but just go a way from me. thats stupid though cuz that wont happen.
sometimes i feel what im suppposed to with him and sometimes i dont. i need to see itt and i dont see it sometimes. i hear it alll the time though. i say it all the time too. but maybe i dont show it either. i hope i dont ruin nething. ugh i worry tooooo much...*noww im underwater...and im it my turnn to wish u were lying here with me??* take every lil piece of my heart. take every lil piece of my soul. isnt that nice? yepppp