The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! Created by
-ambiguous and taken 65442 times on
bzoink!What is your favorite..gumorbitrestauranthmmmmmdrinkwater and cokeseasonsummertype of weatherall kindsemotionhyperthing to do on a half dayhang out with my friendslate-night activitywatch tvsporttkdcityDanvillestorehmmmm all storesWhen was the last time you..criedi dunnoplayed a sportyesterdaylaughed3 minutes agohugged someonea day ago??kissed someonehmmm last night?felt depressed...dont really know...felt elatedelated?? huhfelt overworkeda long time agofaked sicklike 3 years ago lolliedlast week?What was the last..word you saidmomthing you atejimmy johns subsong you listened toone two stepthing you drankwaterplace you went toann arbormovie you sawwar of the worldsmovie you rented???concert you attendedavril lavigne...last saturdayWho was the last person you..huggeddadcried over...the dude? jesskisseddont really rememberdanced withfriendsshared a secret withmandahad a sleepover withhmmm??calledjesswent to a movie withjesssawjess lolwere angry withbrothercouldn't take your eyes off ofbilly joe armstrongobsessed overthe dudeHave you ever..danced in the rainOH YEAH!kissed someoneyesdone drugsnopedrank alcoholnopeslept aroundhuh?partied 'til the sun came upyeshad a movie marathonif watching movies over and over again counts then yes! lolgone too far on a darefor sure!spun until you were immensely dizzywho hasnttaken a survey quite like this beforeyes
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Go to bzoink! i dont know if this is gonna work but its worth a try!
*- Maria