read me

Jul 01, 2004 02:21

alright this one does contain spoilers.

Before I get into it just remember that I am die hard, long time running Spiderman comic fanatic. So I read into shit more so then the "average viewer". With that being said, off we go.

The opening credits, done by Alex Ross were amazing. People dont put time into the credits anymore and its always something i pay attention to. so lots of points there.

One of things that always drew me to Spiderman was his normalcy(sp?) and his geekiness. The fact that he is just a normal teenager(well, now adult) who just so happens to have super human powers. and thats something that some people dont get. This is why he has weaknesses and this is why he starts to lose his powers. now in the comic book, he gets sick and thats why he looses control over them. Its almost in the same context here and I can understand why they did it the way they did, showing that Peter Parker was stressed out in his life and made it even more powerful when he comes back....showing that he is truly meant to be Spiderman.

Dr. Octopus(Otto Octavious)....I was never a fan of this villian from the comic book. But I was impressed by the costume and Alfred Molina's acting and portrayl. I dont think he got enough screen time though. It seems like there wasn't enough of a conflict between him and spiderman. Also, that was a little off how he "turned good" at the end. But you gotta end it someone I suppose. Not to mention, that would hvae been far fectched if spider knew how to destroy, but they did make a big point in this movie how much of a "genius" peter parker is....oh well.

I thought it was cool how they mentioned "Dr. Strange" with J. Jonah at the Daily Bugle.

Hands down the best scene in the movie was in the hospital when they are trying to remove Doc Oct's arms. The evil dead references were outstanding, but not outlandish. The chainsaw was brilliant and even down to the nurse beign dragged and having her drag her nails on the ground. it was like shot-for-shot evil dead. loved it.

On that note, my other favorite scene was with Bruce Campbell as the usher. Im glad Raimi gave him for screen time and more lines. Fucking hilarious.

The camera angles and shots were way better this time.This was what impressed me the most I think. The scene wheres he swinging all low in the street between cars during that train sequence. ahh gave me qoosebumps.

Sam Raimi really did an amazing job I think. He really did do it justice. He has proved himself a great director.

acting:: best & worst
James Franco : Im sorry. he did not impress me what-so-ever this time around. i thought he was great as Harry in the first one. But he over did it in this one. I dont really know where they are trying to take his character as a result. He's obviously torn, but doesnt really show it that well. He was good, but could have been better I think.

J.K. Simmons : He was my favorite in the 1st one, and still my favorite in the 2nd. J Jonah Jamison is great character in the comic book and Simmons takes it to another level in the movie. Outstanding.


now i thought with the introduction of Mary Janes astronaut Fiancee they would hint at possible brining in Eddie Brock A.k.A Venom....but that was obviously not the case.

This dissapointed me so much that I was pissed at the sequence with Normon Osbourne coming back to "haunt" Harry and Harry discovering the room with all the green goblin and preformance enhancers.

If in the 3rd one they only do Hobgoblin or Green Goblin 2, basically, it will be a sad, sad day for me...and probably a lot of comic book fans. Not only is he basically the same villian as the 1st one BUT A LAME VILLIAN AT THAT. Its just feels like they are recycling it. Now I dont know anything about the 3rd one, and the possibility of a who knows....ill just have to keep my fingers crossed.

and I DO KNOW that Venom involves a very complicated back story...but its me.

The end was good. MJ and Peter finally get together, much to the enjoyment of the audience I might add. Then she udders her famous phrase "Go get em Tiger".....haha that made me smile

But the last shot of her face shows trepidation and fear.,....a forshadowing of sorts....hmmmm
could MJ be killed off in the 3rd and they introduce Gwen Stacy? that would be absurdly backwards

I doubt they'll do that....but who knows.

stay tuned
thanks for listening.
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