everytime i dance...errr die.

Apr 17, 2004 04:55

As I lay Dying. Everytime I Die. Black Dahlia Murder. Scarlet


I got a lot of pictures.

...and I even danced a little. heh. for like half a second.

vanessa -- you were missed.

...but it was still a lot of fun.


look at that dudes face haha

::black dahila murder::

""every time i die::

^^I like this one.^^

^^I like this one as well

this guy..haha..gets on stage and is all "were going streaking!"..then jumps off.
::as i lat dying::

oh theres waldo!

afterwards I saw The Punisher...
I'm biast.
but man it was awesome.
wayyyy cheesy though. :)
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