Boy, did I ever have a night out on the town...
We [Moi, Lauren, Matt, Taran, and Audrey] went to a Scottish fashion show in West Hollywood..
Invitation only...
We all got decked out for the occasion...
::pure sex::
I actually felt like a girl tonight
So many random celebrities there such as...
Lance Bass of NSYNC fame
Hal Sparks, from I Love The 80's/70's tv series-Queer as Folk & Talk Soup
Rod Stewarts daughter
Melissa Rivers
one of the bad guys from The Goonies
the boss from Drew Carey
TONS of beautiful people...
my friends got hammered, as the kids say, ...good thing I was driving
then Lauren ditched us to go hang out with her...guy
::sad face::
grrr we were all upset//dissapointed//hurt
If this boy hurts her...I will kick him in the face
...she is rushing into this...
blah, anyways
We went to Toi and got some food
Then went over to UCLA and hung out with some people
watched the Conan 10th Anniversary Special
.the end.
my feet are so damn sore