Feb 11, 2005 10:38
wow i havent wrighten in one of thease in a long time! I guess I just kind of forgot about it . my life hase not been that exiting in the past well I do not know how long ago it was that I wrote my last entry and I am too lazy to cheak. so the first tearm of the school year is over and i am realy happy about that all i whant is for this school year to be over and I will not be a freshman any more. I am starting to realize that i hate school more and more every day and i wish thta I could drop out but of course i cant and then after high school I have to go to collage. it is like this whole scool this is never ending.
after I am done with high school i was kind of playing around with the idea that i would go to collage in la or sanfransico. .... maybe new york but I am not shure about that one. one of my friends wrote a new journal on a thig called like the greatest joural or somthing and her useer name is waitingxforxyou i am pretty shure that is it.
and As far as the whole boy friend thig goes , i do not have one and i do not really minde all thatt much about the whole thig the only thing that bothers me is Valentines day is coming up and I have never had a bf on valentines day . i know that sounds pathetic but it is true.
it seems like all valentimes day if for is candy and love but all of the girls with out bfs do is wait for guys to send them valentimes saying that they whant you to be their valenime but it never happens. well maybe it does some of the time witch is really cute. but not for me ! sadly.
LAst night wasa fun though my parents whent out to a consert and i have my friend over and she hung out all night ... it was cool could have have been a little more exiting though. I guess myy journaling is over now but leave a comment if you whant maybe it will inspire me to wright another entry and not forget about this whole thig all together!