Favorite OTPs ( tv shows)

Feb 06, 2012 20:23

In fact I am not a hard-core shipper ( probably never will be ) but this is my top ten!

10. Fry & Leela ( Futurama )

Because Fry loves her the way she is and in an alternate universe they are happily after:)

9.Doug Ross & Carol Hathaway ( ER )

Because they are the first OTP of mine.The only reason I watched ER was George Clooney.Remember the times he was not an A-list actor but was famous for his role in ER:)After Carol left the series,I gave up watching it.I have seen some of the episodes later but it was not like when the show had this couple.

8.Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham ( Fringe )


Because their relationship is so complicated.I mean how can you compete with "yourself" as Olivia has to.I loved the fact that they were a real couple when Peter jumped into the future.

7.Buffy Summers & Angel


Because we have them before Twilight of course they were classier,better IMO.I have never seen Buffy The Vampire Slayer but watched Angel.The episode "I will remember you" was one of my favourite episodes in season 1 of Angel.Currently I am watching BtvS so...

6.Eric Taylor & Tami Taylor


Because they were the best married couple on tv from the day one till the show's last episode.Their relationship was not spoiled by unrealistic reasons and you just keep on admiring them:)

5.Kara Thrace ( Starbuck) & Samuel T Anders ( Battlestar Galactica )


Because Sam believed in Starbuck no matter what happened to her.He tried to accept Kara's unsolved feelings for Apollo.I know Starbuck and Anders were not the popular ship among the fans.Many supported Lee&Kara but damn I loved Anders from the first scene appeared.I just loved when they seperated in s2 but then got back together.

4.Ten & Rose Tyler ( Doctor Who )


Because they were simply awesome together.I cried like a baby at the end of "Doom's Day".The universes were between them but Rose never gave up and finally found a way to reach the Doctor.
I also loved the fact that Doctor gets teary whenever he remembers Rose:( I know some hated them but heck,Piper and Tennant had such a great chemistry!


3.Samantha Carter & Jack O'Neill ( Stargate SG-1)


Because the writers just loved torturing Sam/Jack shippers!
Because almost every alternate universe they were either got engaged/married or had a baby! Actually we even saw bride!Sam (yeah,I know it was not real)Hell Jack wasn't even hiding his passion in that groundhound day episode ( what was the title of the episode?)
Too bad we couldn't see more in "our" universe:(

2.John Crichton & Aeryn Sun ( Farscape)


Because in my mind Crichton was a bit like Fry (see the number 10) I mean he finds himself in another galaxy and falls in love with a different kind:D Their romance gets never old while watching the series,you never ask "will they or not?" but just watch their relationship evolving season by season:)

and finally number #1 (C'mon you should have guessed so far)

1.Fox Mulder & Dana Scully


Even the question is irrelevant.Moonlightning was before my time,I can't remember them but M&S is the best tv couple for me.I was never a shipper more like no-romo but even so you just can't help being fascinated by the chemistry between them.One of the best definitions comes from the creator of the show Chris Carter: "Their love was intellectual" Hell yeah!There are so many copies of them these days but they will never be like Mulder and Scully.
They have even their own song by Catatonia:D


So tell me your top OTP:)

tv shows, battlestar galactica, the x files, stargate sg-1, doctor who, friday night lights

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