40 moments 4 Dean from Season 4

Jul 20, 2009 12:02

This will be my longest entry so far:)
Spoilers for entire season 4

Number 40 : Fighting over detoxing demon blood
Episode       : When the Levee Breaks

Bobby : We’re killing him. Keeping him locked up down there. This cold turkey thing isn’t working. If he doesn’t get what he needs, soon, Sam’s not gonna last much longer.
Dean : No. I’m not giving him demon blood, I won’t do it.
Bobby : And if he dies?
Dean : Then at least he dies human!

Number 39 : Same choices
Episode      : It’s a Terrible Life

Hunter or not…Winchesters re-unite and become hunters…Dean decides to quit, despite a very generous offer. The most amusing thing was they learn the drill from “Ghostfacers”! I’m not fond of them so much but it was fun to see them again.

Dean : Just to shake things up? Hmm? So you guys can have fun, watching us run around like ass-clowns in monkey suits?
(but you look not that bad with the blue shirt ,Dean:p)

Zach : It’s to prove to you that the path you’re on is truly in your blood. You’re a hunter!

Number 38 : “He’s adorable”
Episode      : Yellow Fever

There are lots of parts from Yellow Fever, honestly makes me wanna watch the episode again while preparing the screen captures…that’s one of them.

Bobby : You sure, Dean? Cause this line of work can get awful scary
Dean : What, you wanna go hunt? I’ll hunt. I’ll kill anything.
Sam : awwww
Bobby : He’s adorable…

Number 37 : Halloween candies
Episode      : It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester

One word: ASTRONAUT!!!

Kid : I want candy!
Dean : Well I think you’ve had enough.

Dean, you will be sorry for not giving the candy=)

Number 36 : Revealing the destiny
Episode       : Lucifer Rising

So Zachariah reveals how the shape of things to come…We thought angels were losing the fight since the seals were broken one by one but guess that was their aim,too…
Can he stop Lucifer, will angels be with him anymore? Will see that…

Number 35 : The teaser
Episode      : It’s a Terrible Life

The episode was not like I had expected to be, but it was still good…Dean’s using a Prius and making a face when he hears a rock song on the radio and my favorite, evil businessman laughing…all here...

Number 34 : Finding out being infected with ghost sickness
Episode      : Yellow Fever

Sam : Dude, you’re going twenty.
Dean : And?
Sam : That’s the speed limit
Dean : What, safety’s a crime now?

Sam : “Dean that was our hotel back there!
Dean : Sam, I’m not gonna make a left-hand turn into on-coming traffic! I’m not suicidal!
Did I just say that? That’s kinda weird.

Number 33 : The Reaper,again.
Episode      : The Death Takes a Holiday

Just a quick flashback from “In My Time of Dying” which was my favorite season premiere,till Lazarus Rising. I will ask the same question when I watched it for the first time. Did Tessa really have to kiss him to make him remember? lol, seriously I love the chemistry between Dean and Tessa…umm, even if she’s the Reaper=)

Tessa : You don’t remember me?
Dean : Honestly, if I had a nickel for every time I had a girl say that...

Number 32 : Burning the body
Episode      : Jump the Shark

Probably one of the best moments between Sam&Dean…
Dean says Adam died like a hunter and accepts him as their brother…No matter how he gets angry when he first discovers that.

Dean : You know, I finally get why you and Dad butted heads so much. You two are practically the same person. I mean, I worshipped the guy. I dressed like him, I acted like him, I listened to the same music… but you are more like him than I will ever be. I see that now.
Sam : I’ll take that as compliment
Dean : You can take it any way you want.

Frankly,Sam…I don’t think this was a compliment…after all the things happened.

Number 31 : Laundromat…
Episode      : The Monster at the end of This Book

The scene tells itself with the quote=)

Dean : Sam tossed his gigantic darks into the machine. He was starting to have doubts about Chuck, about whether or not he was telling the truth
Sam : Stop it.
Dean : Stop it! Sam said…Guess what you do next? (keeps on reading) Sam turned his back on Dean, his face brooding and pensive…I mean I don’t know he’s doing it, but this guy is doing it! I can’t see your face, but those are definitely your brooding and pensive shoulders.
Sam : …..
Dean : You just thought I was a dick
Sam : Guy’s good.

Number 30 : Confrontation
Episode      : Are You There God, it’s me Dean Winchester

Meg is still my favorite character,as a villain at least. I was so happy when I heard Nicki would be back. She was not exactly “Meg” but still it was great to see her again…

Dean : I’m sorry
Meg : Stop saying you’re sorry…You just attacked. Did you ever think there was a girl in here? No. You just charged in, slashing and burning. You think you’re some kind of hero!
Dean : No, I don’t…

Number 29 : Game of honour
Episode      : After School Special

Ok,guilty as charged…It was impossible to skip this one…Dean in this ridiculous outfit…too bad my teachers never looked like him…

Dean : The whistle makes me their god...

Number 28 : Breaking the angel statue
Episode      : Lucifer Rising

Dean’s smirking when the statue is smashed , lol… and then Castiel appears. Dean looks guilty like a little kid for a moment and tells him he wants to see Sammy…

Number 27 : Staring at old pictures
Episode      : Jump the Shark

Ok, first of all I love John Winchester…I really do. But with this episode, the things Adam tells Dean just piss me off. I don’t know they must be real and I don’t think it was the ghoul’s made up…I can’t write deep analysis about how John felt at first place but I can not think of his being angry in “Something Wicked”. He admits some stuff just before his death, I just want to see a similar scene between them like Sam and papa Winchester in “Dead Man’s Blood” if I remember correctly…where they discuss what happened to Sam’s college money…
One of the most memorable quote of Dean about John

Adam : He’s a mechanic, right?
Dean : A car fell on him.

Kinda bitter,huh?

Number 26 : At the bar
Episode      : Monster Movie

Dean talks about how he feels about being hunter. Maybe this starts as if he’s showing off but goes on like this…

Dean : Last few years, I started thinking that way, and you know, it started sort of weighing on me. Of course, that was before... a little while ago, I had this... let's called it a near-death experience. Very near. And I... when I came to... things were different. My life's been different. I realize that I help people. Not just help them, you know, I save them. I guess it's... it's awesome. It's kind of like a gift. Like a mission. Kind of like a mission from God.

Number 25 : We’re insane!
Episode      : Yellow Fever

Yeah even typing, you can chuckle Dean’s quotes…I wonder whether this gassy thing is for season 2 gag reels,lmao.

Sam : We’re hunting a ghost
Dean :“A ghost, exactly! Who does that?”
Sam : Us.
Dean : Us! Right. And that, Sam, that is exactly why our lives suck! I mean come on, we hunt monsters! What the hell! I mean normal people, they see a monster and they run! But not us, no no no, we search out things that want to kill us! Huh? Huh? Or eat us! You know who does that? Crazy people! We -are insane! You know, and then there’s the bad diner food, and the schemy motel rooms, and the truck-stop waitress with the bizarre rash -I mean who wants this life, Sam? Huh? Seriously! I mean do you actually like being stuck in a car with me, eight hours a day, every single day? I don’t think so! I mean I drive too fast, and I listen to the same five albums over and over and over again and I sing along, I’m annoying, I know that, and you - you’re gassy! You eat half a burrito and you get toxic! I mean, you know what…You can forget it.”

Number 24 : Dreaming of peace
Episode      : The Rapture

I realized it was just a dream but it was interesting to see what Dean dreams of…I mean in the beginning his dreams are haunted by the memories from the Hell and when we come to the ending, we can see that Dean is looking for peace, maybe escaping from his destiny…anyways…I think Castiel decides to tell the truth that angels want Sam to kill Lilith and break the last seal…but you know the rest.

Dean : I’m dreaming, aren’t I
Castiel : It’s not safe here. Someplace more private.
Dean : More private - we’re inside my head
Castiel : Exactly. Someone could be listening…

Number 23 : Ending at the motel
Episode      : When the levee Breaks

Ok, I don’t like seeing the brothers fighting and I am glad they were together in the end. It was really painful to watch this scene. Both can say pretty harsh things to each other, sometimes…

Dean : You walk out that door, don’t you ever come back.

C’mon Dean…you’re not papa Winchester…thank god, you aren’t…

Number 22 : Along the hallway
Episode      : After School Special

It was a good episode again but I don’t like seeing Dean like this. Of course we talk about years ago…I guess it’s something to do with the actor,too.
*shivers and thanks god for Jensen*
I liked the other kid played Dean, the younger one...

Number 21 : Back in Time
Episode      : In The Beginning

My favorite scenes were all the references to Back to Future which is my best childhood movie, ever. Dean’s mentioning about DeLoreans and the scene at the diner,lmao…anyways that is a good one,too…

Dean : Sammy, wherever you are…Mom is a babe…(realizes what he has just said)
I’m going to Hell. Again

Number 20 : No forgetting
Episode      : Wishful Thinking

Well…whenever I think of this episode, I remember the suicide of Teddy Bear,lol but the ending was intense here, after laughing a lot…

Dean : You really think that a little heart-to-heart, a little sharing and caring is gonna change anything? Huh? Somehow? heal me? I’m not talking about a bad day here. The things that I saw… There aren’t words. There is no forgetting. There’s no making it better. Because it is right here…Forever…You wouldn’t understand. And I can never make you understand. So I am sorry…

Number 19 : After reading “Route 666”
Episode       : The Monster at the End of the Book

LMAO…Sam’s explaing what the “slash” is and the comments in the web page…That was just awesome. I’m not into Winchest and actually there are few fanfictions I have read about Supernatural but I’ve learnt the “slash” when I saw a Mulder/Krycek fic…old times
hmm maybe writers have chance to take a look at what’s going on in the internet, like lj…

Dean : Everything is in here. I mean everything. From the racist truck to me having sex... I’m full-frontal in here, dude.

Number 18 : Calling Sam
Episode      : Lucifer Rising

I’m sorry for being a total fan-girl here but I wish so bad that Sam could listen to this message instead of the fake one. Whoever switched them off…probably it was Ruby…
That’s why we love you,Dean Winchester=)

Dean : Hey, it’s m-me. Uh - look, I’ll just get right to it. I’m still pissed, and I owe you a serious beat-down. But… I shouldn’t have said what I said. I’m not Dad. We’re brothers, you know, and family. No matter how bad it gets, that doesn’t change. Sammy, I’m sorry…

Number 17 : On Strippers
Episode      : Sex and Violence

Again, the best moment in the episode was to see Dean’s boyish excitement about the event they are investigating…

Sam : You seem pretty cheery.
Dean : Strippers, Sammy. Strippers. We are on an actual case, involving strippers. Finally.

Number 16 : Before the deadline…again
Episode      : Yellow Fever

Dean’s reply to Sam is just like for the writers=) wanting him near death...all the time!!!

Dean : Except I have my head on the chopping block again. I’d almost forgot what that feels like. It’s freakin’ delightful.

And could Dean be more adorable when he says “I don’t wanna be a clue”

Number 15 : Learning Mary’s wish…
Episode      : In the Beginning

Another scene which can make you search for Kleenex…

Mary : I’ll run away, if I have to. I just… I love John. And… I wanna get out. This job, this… life. I hate it. I want a family. I wanna be safe. You know the worst thing I can think of? The very worst thing? Is for my children to be raised into this life like I was. Well… I won’t let it happen…

The expression on Dean’s face was priceless because that was the exact way John raised them. Poor Mary…if only you can…and one more thing, you see making deals with the demons starts with their mother…guess it runs in the family!

Number 14 : Flashbacks from the Hell
Episodes    : Lazarus Rising, It’s the Great Pumpkin-Sam Winchester, Wishful Thinking,

It was really an ugly mask!and Sam’ asking “bring back memories?” It is like Dean is caught in his own thoughts...brief but a very good scene.

Number 13 : “Our fate rests with you”
Episode      : On The Head of a Pin

Castiel : The righteous man who begins it... is the only one who can finish it. You have to stop it. I know our fate rests with you
Dean : Well then you guys are screwed. I can’t do it, Cas. It’s too big. Alastair was right. I’m not all here. I’m not strong enough. I guess I’m not the man either of our dads wanted me to be. Find someone else. It’s not me.


Number 12 : Meeting the third bro at Cousin Oliver’s
Episode       : Jump the Shark

I hated the idea the first moment I had heard but the writers handled the situation very well. It was not impossible for John to have another son besides Dean and Sam…so
Dean’s preparing to test the guy whether he is possessed or sth…waiting with the gun which he keeps under the table…the tension is high!

Dean : I mean, using Dad as bait? That’s the last mistake of it’s short pitiful life.

Number 11 : Completing the confession
Episode      : Family Remains
Now we get somewhere about why Dean feels so guilty…Somebody like him whose job is like saving people turns into “torturing people” may be the reason…It is not just whining but maybe exposuring the most hidden thing.

Dean : I enjoyed it, Sam. They took me off the rack and I tortured souls and I liked it. All those years - all that pain - finally getting to deal some out yourself? I didn’t care who they put in front of me. Because - that pain I felt? It just slipped away. No matter how many people I save - I can’t change that. I can’t fill this hole. Not ever.

Number 10 : Dean’s torturing Alastair
Episode      : On The Head Of a Pin

Again a terrific part from OTHOAP…I had a bad feeling when Castiel wants Dean to torture Alastair to learn who’s been killing the angels…Guess the feeling was not meaningless when we learn angel’s true intentions. I mean it is like both brothers were used for something..anyways.

Dean : You know something, Alastair? I can still dream. Even in Hell, and over and over and over, you know what I dreamt? I dreamt of this moment. And believe me... I got a few ideas…

Number 9 : Ask for Chief
Episode    : Criss Angel is a Douchebag

I think the best part in the episode was this one. The scary, big man holding the whip and music at the background…lol

Dean : There’s been a misunderstanding…I think I’ve been had.
The man : Oh you ain’t been had - till you’ve been had by the chief. Oh, and before we get started, what’s your safe word?

Number 8 : On exorcising the Demons
Episode    : Metamorphosis

Dean finds out that Sam is using his powers, although he wanted him not to do so and stay away from Ruby… before dying…Guess who’s right at the end…sometimes good intentions are not enough, Sam :(

Dean : It’s already gone too far, Sam. If I didn’t know you? I would want to hunt you. And so would other hunters.

Number 7 : Ghost boys
Episode    : Death Takes a Holiday

Dean sticks his hands into Sam’s chest and he keeps doing that. What the hell he was thinking?lol

Dean : Am I making you uncomfortable?
Sam : Get off me
Dean : You’re such a prude. Come on.

Number 6 : “I've been re-hymenated”
Episode    : Monster Movie

For some people, the same plot with shapeshifter was boring but I liked this episode, from the beginning. I guess the part I laughed most was when Dean says “That guy was about to Frankenstein me” cause I was dealing with a mid-term paper about this novel, god it was awful…

Number 5 : Alastair’s revealing what the first seal was
Episode    : On the Head of a Pin

This episode is my favorite one, following Lazarus Rising. More guilt…Dean’s breaking the first seal may explain the things happened previously like the demon tells Sam that “Dean's in Hell, right where we want him”…who knows?

Alastair: The first time you sliced into that weeping bitch... that was the first seal. Top of the one at the front of the line. And it is written, that the first seal shall be broken when a righteous man spills blood in Hell... as he breaks, so shall it break
When we win? When we bring on the apocalypse, and burn this Earth down? We’ll owe it all to you. Dean Winchester.

Number 4 : Dean’s screaming
Episode    : Yellow Fever

You know that this one is coming. The whole episode is quite amusing but this girly scream of Dean just takes the cake! Tell me that this scene reminded you of the season 3 gag reels,lol

Dean : That was scary

Number 3 : Confession
Episode    : Heaven and Hell

I have to admit, I was so curious what happened to Dean in the hell. Well, obviously there were lots of torturing but you feel there must be something wrong judging Dean’s attitudes. That he turns into a torturer himself was shocking to hear for me…with Jensen’s delivery of line, the scene is more heart-breaking

Dean: God help me, I got right off. And I started ripping them apart. I lost count of how many souls. How I feel... inside me... I wish I couldn’t feel anything, Sammy. I wish I couldn’t feel a damn thing.

Number 2 : Dean kills Ruby
Episode    : Lucifer Rising

It may sound sick but I am so happy that Dean is the one to kill Ruby off and Sam's holding Ruby to help Dean, no offense to Ruby fans btw. I am indifferent to the actress played Ruby but Ruby was just irritating and the most irritating thing was till the later episodes, there was a possibility of her being good.

Ruby: You’re too late
Dean : I don’t care


still there?

saved the best one for the last...The ranking is random here but n#1 is really king of the list=) After waiting for months to see what will happen to Dean,will he come back,how will he come back...I enjoyed the season premiere so much

Number 1 : Dean’s coming back
Episode    : Lazarus Rising

The events beginning from Dean’s waking up in a pine box till he reaches at Bobby’s house are just amazing. No conversation heard except Dean saying “hello” here and the excitement (well, at least mine) was getting higher with the unknown voice.
We realize that Dean is the same Dean , mostly , when he grabs that magazine and smirks:)

and yeah mirror scene deserves its own picspam…**no kinky thoughts here:p**

Dean&Sam and Dean&Boby reunion was really good but I guess impala one was the best:p

Screen captures credit:
and thanks shea for capping 4.01 for my request=)

picsspam, dean winchester, supernatural

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