- HEY whats up with everyone?? well im pretty stoked that its almost Thanksgiving... and i only have one day of school left cause im taking Wednesday off!! YAY!
so yeah Alison and i have been having some really indepth conversations about life and we basically came to the conclusion that everything is so pointless and that we are wasting our lives by going to school and worrying about stupid little things that dont matter at all.... seriously, think about it... if you died tomorrow...would u actually feel satisfied.... personally i would feel like my whole life was wasted.. cause basically our lives dont actually begin; i mean we go to school for our whole adolescence and then when we're finally done with that theres work and by the time your too old to do that.. u are too old to do anything that u would have wanted to do when u were young, plus u have to worry about small things like falling and hurting urself.. so do our lives ever really start before we die?? honestly.. i dont think they do... and its really frustrating to even know why we are here.. its like we are supposed to be living here to go to heaven.... so why does everyone care about other ppls opinions or the "latest" fashions or any of that crap.. its just sooo incredibally STUPID! so is being popular and doing stupid things on earth to be so called "cool" really worth risking eternity??................. think about it....