I am sick... again. Gah. I hate being sick, and I've got so much school work I can even stay home. Ick. I need sleep.
Anywho, I'm not here to angst about being sick, I'm here because I have pictures!! Yay! And then I need to ask a favor (Yes, another one). But first, pictures...
First, I promised last time a pic of the mask that will be going into the gallery. Well, I ended up doing a photoshoot with the mask, getting a black and white copy of the pics, and painting one to go with the mask, so you get to see me all dressed up too! Here it is, but don't freak out or come hunt me down and kill me, k?
Next, as promised a billion years ago, a picture of my kits!
The one on the left is mine, Bella ^-^ The other is my mommy's. Her name is Cleo. Aint they cute???
I know I promised a pick of my Death Eater!ring, and I wanna post a pic of my pretty boy that I've been talking to and am finally going to meet in person this weekend. For tonight though, I need to get some sleep to replenish my poor sick brain so I can finish the ficlet to pay peach_gurl so then I can get back to working on "My Hero", but I've got about 8 papers due between now and Valentine's day, so not likely I'll get too much accomplished.
And now the favor. Ok, who is good with html? Anyone out there reading this, please please please, I need your help! I have been trying to format a layout for my new lj-community, and it just isn't working. Admittedly I only know the html basics, so this has been a long and tedious process of trial and error for me. If you would be willing to help me get the layout thus that I can incorporate peach_gurl's lovely art and over all just get it looking spiffy, I'd love you forever. I'd also be willing to do some sort of writing or art exchange as payment (as I have no money). So, if you're good with html, contact me! Or if you know someone who might be interested in helping me, please let me know! Thanks so much, and I hope to hear from you soon!
I'll try to post again this weekend, and sorry I've been commenting on anyone's journal lately, I've been so busy!!! I hope you're all doing well, love you lots!