Aug 09, 2005 21:03
So the past two days have been very enjoyable.
Yesterday i went with some lovley people to lakeside to pick a few more things for my senior pictures. I got my nails done. Drove around a bit. It was fun. I love my friends. I can't wait to have my Little Mermaid wedding. You can be the crab! Pastor will be at the end of the aisle with goggles and snorkel. O man i love ya.
Today i got my senior pictures done. I was so nervous last night but it was awsome. I don't know why i was so nervous. It was a total blast. I want to do it again like now. I get my proofs on the 30th so ya'll have to check them out. Afterwards my mom and i went out to eat. We're all good now. I'm happy again. Came home and slept for a couplle of hours. Went out to dinner with my parents and then went and got some stuff for my apartment. Then went to Coldstone. Joy.
Got an intresting phone call today. My dads mom. The one i don't get along with is getting kicked out of her senior citizen complex because she's a health hazard. She's been leaving the stove on and not turning it off and setting things on fire. So toda it was like the 5th time and there done with her. So not only is booma moving in. Which i 'm totally fine with. My other grandmother is moving in. The one who doens't know my name and calls me the "girl" even tho i'm the oldest and only girl gradchild. You would think that would help. Nope it doens't. So i'm not really looking forward to that one. Buto well it's not like i'm goin to be home that much anyway. With work, choir at church, youth group, music lessions, fraser singers, and play, i'm going to be a very busy person. O well. I like being busy.
So i think that's a good update.
I'm waiting and holding on.... I just know how much longer I'll last...