Jul 25, 2005 04:17
I'm so freakin sad....in 6 months i will be losing the best friend/s i ever had....my best friend liz will be moving to georgian which is sum lil country shit town at the bottom of alabama.....wich i'm happy 4 her b/c the guy who she's in love w/is down there n so iz her uncle n g'dad...she loves them to death n i want her to be happy b/c i love her....n her sister who iz also my best friend might go w/her....only b/c their mom iz and EVIL BITCH WHO NEEDS TO DIE N BURN IN THE PITS OF HELL....b/c she sent them away and signed off every parental things for them so they are w/a foster parentz while their brother who iz my age almost iz w/her....which none of them need to be b/c she tries to kill them....so it's all messed up....but i want them to be happy...but it's so hard when i love them the way i do.....well i'm out~