
Oct 09, 2008 04:24

So Im going to make this quick..

I think this Prop 8 deal is just dumb..
the people who are voting YES and being just crazy..

They are SO AFRAID of their children being taught about gay people
and the idea of a gay relationship...
this seriously just takes things back 50 years..

deal with it people...
they are gay people.. and they love eachother
marriage is all about love
the church and God and all that shit doesnt run the world and its laws..
so get used to it.

listen to this...just disgusting..

One YES ON 8 Person writes..
"not only do i believe that marriage is extremely sacred, i do know that family is the backbone and bedrock of our society. it does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out."

yet they will also write..
"Oh, by the way, same sex couples would not get additional benefits if they were married. California has civil unions that already provide all the benefits of a married couple to gay couples. This proposition is just based on language. It would officially change the definition of marriage to extend to gay couples in the state of CA. That's it."

WHAT?!?1 So Marriage is SUCH a big deal..and then its not?!?!
If "thats it" then why do you care?..its just a word then..

here is more YES ON 8 Christian people..being dumb..racists..sexists..or whatever else..

"It is sad that things that are good are being pushed out of the schools. Like it is not okay to talk about or celebrate Christmas or Christian beliefs any more but CA tried to pass a Harvey Milk day (to celebrate the life of a gay man who was unfortunately assassinated because of his sexual preference). Luckily, Arnold vetoed it."

I love how she says its sad that "things that are good" are being pushed out..
Sorry we dont want everyoen to be christian..
and thanks for saying gay is bad...fuckin jerk.
OH and YES! Thank goodness we dont have to celebrate the death of a gay man! That would be horrible!..i mean we already celebrate Martin Luther King! a Black man!

"Madhuri, I respect your comments, but I personally would not want homosexual principles forced upon me and my children in the education system. And that's exactly what would happen if this proposition fails. If it does fail, then children will be taught in school that traditional marriage and gay marriage are the same and both should be treated equally. In sex education, children will be taught homosexual practices, in addition to what's already being taught. I'm sorry, but it makes me sick to my stomach that children would be taught these things. So therefore, homosexual principles would be infringed upon me and my family if this prop fails."

This girl is just a straight out ass.
you not being FORCED ....
"all men are created equal" I thought... I also thought God is Love?! Hm..
it makes this girl SICK TO HER STOMACH her children might be taught about whats really going on in the world.
Grow up people....there are both gay and straight people...
they love eachother and will make familes..with or without marriage.
if your child doesnt learn..they will find it different and hard to understand...they might even lash out..
take your kids to a private school..and learn about your god and beliefs...and forgot about the real world then..

"Science and BIOLOGY have once said that homosexuality was psychosis and that the world was flat. Who's to say that won't change? Even concepts of BIOLOGY change and likely will continue to."

Lol..this guy is an idiot... I dont even need to say anything
why does you just say.. gay people are messed up and just need to be fixed.
Its not a choice people...

This is all i had to say..

Honestly. If people want to get married and have a life behind closed doors, who cares? Let them do what they want!! If it's "only a word you're taking away", why do you care so much? Martin Luther King Jr. said that all men are created equal, so why not give them equal rights? The only beliefs being "shoved down our throats" are the ones about banning marriage. If two people decide to get married, it does NOT directly affect any of you. What they do behind closed doors is their business, not ours. It saddens me that people can be so close-minded and heartless. I respect that people have their own opinions and religious stand points, but the only people being hurt by this proposition are the ones being denied rights. After you vote yes on Prop 8, and you get to go home to your husband or wife, think about the fact that you just took that right away from one of your fellow Americans. And when a proposition comes around in the future that will take away one of your rights that you care about, I hope you think back to that moment that you took rights away from others.
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