Jul 06, 2005 12:58
I don’t really know what’s happening anymore...but lemme start with so far the summers be alright yesterday was the most exciting day so far so yeah the night before I slept over Jeff’s well I didn’t really sleep cuz I pulled an all nighter ..and played Juiced all night until about 12 the next day F’ing 12 hours of that game but when we woke up we rode to BK then we went to my house and I changed then we went to Allison’s and Jeff the smart one that he is cuts him self I don’t even know what the hell he did but I had to tie a sock around his hand like a trinket so the bleeding would slow down (and I did a good job I might say I'm vary proud of my self) and we rode are bikes to my house and my mom drove him home and his mom took him to the hospital…and then I fell asleep and he called me when he came home and was like ok lets go riding…lol so yeah we went to Bianca’s house and walked with Kellie to try to find people but it didn’t really work but on our way home I looked like a freaking retard I swear I rolled my shorts up as high as possible and tucked my shirt in and turned my hat in side out lemme tell you I turned some heads…LMFAO I am such a dork I must say and when we got back to Kellie’s we light some fireworks off and Jeff was chasing the parachute guy that came out of some of then..lol then Ryan and the rest of the gang came over and Kellie mad hot dogs for us...i got 2 cuz I'm sweet…lol then when the fireworks were don’t they all left…and me and Jeff stayed until Jeff’s dad came and got us (its his birthday today) and then we went home but yeah yesterday was pretty sweet day (besides Jeff’s finger in all)
ps.] I love Allison =)