I must confess...

Mar 11, 2007 22:15

I have been working so hard in my attempt to not be, you know, *that* girlfriend that I find I have maybe given my endearing readers the wrong idea. Let me take this chance now, to be that girlfriend, and fix your notions about me in this respect.

I love Kenneth Dawes. He is my best friend and I would never ask for a different relationship. I am happier in this relationship than I ever remember being in any other relationship. There are times when I hang out with him and just feel like I'm with any other friend and yet there are times when we are together that things are so very sweet, though that's usually reserved for when it's just the two of us. I feel like this distinction in our relationship is what makes it so good, that we don't have to play lovers every time we're together. We can just co-exist and be happy.

I just want you to know that I don't give up easily. And now that I've officially made anyone who reads this sick and not want to read this ever again...

I love you. Kind of a lot. You will never be anything less than important in my life, as friends or lovers or whatever.

Alright. I think I smell somebody vomiting corn and cheese. I should go..

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