Dec 21, 2004 22:55
You consume me, dwell in my brain. I am infatuated with you, yet you are nowhere near. I cannot reach out and touch you, I cant even give you a simple hug.
I cannot promise you that we'll always be happy, that there wont be any rough times, I cannot promise you that we will have a finacially stable life together right away. I CAN promise you that I love you with every ounce of my heart, my soul. I can promise you that I will devote my all to you and our relationship. No I do not completely know who I am, I am learning, I am finding peices of who I am more and more each day, but each peice you've helped me find, wether you know it or not.
I know this is hard for you, it's hard for me aswell. I'll be here, I'm not going anywhere. need to talk? I'll listen...need to be quiet, I'll be quiet with you...
...I am here...I'm not going away... not that easy anyways...