Woke up to an extremely irritating noise. Hammering. WHY THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE HAMMERING AND NAILING PIECES OF WOOD TOGETHER OUT SIDE MY FUCKING WINDOW!? "The new deck." my dad answered. Oh. Yeah so my mom has been down in the dumps (hiding it) because of my uncle, so my dad is spoiling her. Me too, I actually cleaned the house for her today. HAHA she gave me a hug.
So, it really pisses me off, When a guy (no names) tells your friend that he likes you. Then he tells YOU himself that he likes you. And then he goes out with another girl. And its the same guy that has done this.. what? 6 times in the past year. And its the EXACT SAME GIRL HE GOES OUT WITH. I mean.. get real here. But, I'm just glad when i dumped him, i meant it. Because i would never get involved with him again. Fine, name starts with a "T". OH well. Theres always Craig. Speaking of, Andrea called me from Myrtle Beach today. YAY.
I had the strangest dream. It had like everyone of you (my livejournal friends) in it. Haha it was soooooooo weird. All about camping, it was like a soap opera. Everyone was getting with everyone elses boyfriend/girlfriend. Hahah,i love it.
Ashley called me today. Tomorrow we are calling Colton to get together with him on Thursday. Possibly going to his house! Yes! Its like a Reuniting of old best friends. If you didn't know, Colton (Gordo) moved away last spring. Ashley (Maranda) is prolly moving away soon. And Me (Quin) is pry just gonna be stuck here, with NO ONE. We went through everything together. Here are some pictures.
this is colton. he got me into video games. and the only game he couldnt beat me in was 007.
this is ash. we went through our hormonal stages together. hahaha just kidding. but i know every guy that she has liked from 1rst grade and up. eeee look at my room, its a totally different color now. its so weird seeing it. oh and look at my bed spread, its totally different too.
and well you already know what i look like....i hope
oh and if your wondering why we all have nicknames, maranda = sporty. ashley is sporty. gordo=logical thinker. colton is a logical thinker with the most insults ever made to me in my entire life. and me, quin= dumb. they used to think i was a ditz. i am not any more.. haha and that is why my livejournal user name thingy is xxquinxx because i love them soooo much.