(no subject)

Dec 05, 2004 21:04

if u dont like posts where people bitch and moan..ignore this

now why the fuck are people so irrational that they think there problem is so much worse then anyone eles's so many people think they have problems that have never came up before...well u are all wrong. listen to adivce from other people they no what they are saying and nine times out of ten the people that tell u the truth are ur friends and dont get mad at them for pointing out how ridiculas u sound..and lastly i am tired as hell of hearing others peoples minute problems that they blow out of proportion i am tired of people asking for pity and i no many agree with me..now i no everyone who reads this will say what a fuckin hypicrite he is contradicting himself here...i am not asking for u pity i dont care if u like me or not because this is bigger then one person what is wrong with americas youth is that we can not take criticism now go ahead say what u want say how insane i am because if u really read this i think u will understand it and what i am trying to say,,i am sorry for this but i am in a real bad mood right now i dont really want any comments but i am not going to lock it in case anyone wants to say anything really badly..later
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