Sep 03, 2004 16:55
Soo...I just found out that I have two half-brothers on my mom's side...Apparently she had married before my father and they had two children of whom she put up for adoption and has kept a secret from me all these years...They are in their twenties, and haven't a clue they've got a sister. My stepmother was the one who has just informed me on all of this...(She may be a cunt but apparently a good source of useful information.) She is bringing me the birth certificates on Sunday. I am going to find them. They deserve to know this shit too. I haven't ranted at my mother yet about it but as soon as I get a hold of that lying whore you'd better believe the shit is going to hit the fan. Sooo...Anyfuckin'who, I am running off to Liberty again to spend the weekend with an old friend (Danny) and me insane *haha* ex (Tim). He wants me to move back in with him. I think I just vomited in my mouth a bit. Ah yes, and new/useless info...I finally dyed my hair pink. *Only "God" knows why* So I talked to this guy last night who had booked Razorwirehalo in the past...*laughs* Them and 5-star Reject. Well, he mentioned 5-Star was good...*ahem* So anywho, I'm needing to find some local KC bands who'd be willing to play at FACE theatre in downtown KC for about 15% of the incoming cash...Any one has any ideas lemme know...Rob's band is going to play there...*haha* What's funny is Kyo said he was going to "blacklist" Rob's band yet he doesn't even know the name of it. Plus, Ken's already ahead of himself in "blacklisting" Razorwire and Dead Sexy. So anywho, I'm going to get off here and talk to Rob about tonight's ~party~