The lady in line

Aug 20, 2004 14:48

 The other day I was at the super market and I was in line in front of this rather large lady with a huge growth coming out of the side of her neck... It was very fun to look at... As time passed the urge to poke the growth grew uncontrollable and I jabbed it with my pinkie. no response, the lady didn't even flinch...So I poked it again, and again... By the time the lady got to the front of the line I had emptied out the package of thumb tacks I was buying and stuck each one in to her strangely hypnotizing boil... That's when I noticed it was a babies head... I should have stopped when i first heard the boil cry... And you guessed it, they threw me out again... Joke's on them though, I didn't even pay for the thumb tacks! So up yours K-Mart!
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