Anime20in20;; Ef

Jun 29, 2011 02:02

Hey guys, i'm sorry for the lack of icons this passed week :( as i stated in my journal i suffered an accident and well i took a few days to rest ahah anyway i just finished my icons for the anime20in20 featuring Ef~a tale of melodies/memories

Ef~a tale of memories/melodies:20


Autumn,                  back,                      clouds,                    stripes                    unique*

fullbody                    first letter **               three                      polaroid                  shipper


Artist Choice

*Unique: For the unique one i didn't had many ideas to be honest, so i pretty much went with unique characters, Mizuki and Yuuko are pretty amazing and very unique characters in the show so i thought that they were the perfect fit!
**First Letter: E.f, well the anime's name xD

♥ Rules
♥Comments would be good :) ♥
♥Credit to yunie_sigh  or xxpyrography 
♥Textless icons are not bases
♥Don't claim as yours, don't hotlink and don't edit in any way
♥Enjoy :) ♥!

anime20in20, ef, !yunie_sigh

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