27th Icon Post

Jun 19, 2011 19:15

Hey everyone <3 how's it going? is everyone already in their vacations? ;3 ohoh when i reach the 30th icon post i might open requests XD

Ao no Exorcist: 14
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: 27
Ef: 47


M o n d a y❀

T u e s d a y❀

(Shiemi bias? who? Me? xD)

W e d n e s d a y❀

T h u r s d a y❀

F r i d a y❀

S a t u r d a y❀

S u n d a y❀


♥ Rules
♥Comments would be good :) ♥
♥Credit to yunie_sigh  or xxpyrography 
♥Textless icons are not bases
♥Don't claim as yours, don't hotlink and don't edit in any way
♥Enjoy :) ♥!

melacholy of haruhi suzumiya, ef, !yunie_sigh

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