coloring tutorials #20,#21,#22 - Kaoru~ all i have is you

Jan 27, 2010 19:27

Hi guys! More coloring tutorials from me x33, sorry this has taken so long orz, but I'm nearly done posting all this...well kinda DX, anyways let's get started, shall we?

We're making:

In Photoshop CS, uses Selective Coloring, Channel Mixer and Curves. Not translatable.

coloring tutorial #20

1.-Grab your base and get it ready x3
2.-Duplicate and Gaussian Blur it, set it to Soft Light at 50%
3.-Make a new Curves adjustment layer, with the already known two dots, one in the bottom and one in the top to mess a bit with the brightness and contrast(if you've been following my tutorials you know what I mean already). Mess with the oppacity to your liking.
4.-Make a new Selective Coloring adjustment layer with these settings:
Reds: +100 +52 -51 -59
Yellows: -100 +48 +31 -33
Blues: +100 -99 -100 +69
Magentas: +58 +100 +100 +100
Whites: 100 0 +10 +9
Neutrals: +1(lol) +9 +17 +3
Blacks: -15 +75 -29 +90
Set this layer's oppacity to 66%

5.-Color layers galore~ rofl
Make a new layer and fill it with #680000, set it to Exclusion at 42%
Make a new layer and fill it with #FFDEDE, set it to Soft Light at 63%
Another layer filled with #565656 set to Exclusion at 30%
6.-Now make a new Selective Coloring layer with these settings:
Reds: -23 0 +26 +24
Cyans: +59 0 0 +46
Whites: +28 +5 -22 +14
Neutrals: 0 0 0 -8
Set the oppacity to 28%

7.-Another Selective Coloring adjustment layer please~
Reds: -100 +21 +8 +31
Yellows: +69 +27 -37 -37
Neutrals: +47 +21 +17 +11
Set the oppacity to 28%

8.-Duplicate your base and bring it to the top, set it to Soft Light at 52%
9.-Make a new Channel Mixer adjustment layer with these settings:
Red: 106 -4 0 0
Green: +2 +96 +2 0
Blue: +8 +4 +110 0
Set this layer to Soft Light at 47%

10.-Duplicate the last layer but set it to Normal at 57%
11.-Duplicate your base and bring it to the top, set it to Soft Light at 16%
12.-Make a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and set the Saturation to 5

And it's over xDD, this just works with certain kinds of images, so I suggest you play with the settings and don't follow everything exactly since really, it all depends on the pics you use =)


Second one! Ah this is actually one of my personal favorites xDD hope you like it too~
We're making:

In Photoshop CS, uses Curves, Selective Coloring,and Channel Mixer, Color Balance and Levels. Not translatable.

coloring tutorial #21

This coloring isa bit long, so be warned xD, also I should state that all the textures used here are from soaked, since I'm a sucker for their textures lol

1.-Get your base.
2.-Duplicate it, Guassian Blur it (1px radius) and set it to Soft Light at 66%
3.-Make a new Curves adjustment layer with the already common settings
Adjust the layers oppacity and blending mode to your liking =)

4.- Make a new Selective Coloring adjustment layers with these settings:
Whites: +34 -44 -7 0
Neutrals: +9 +3 -7 0

5.-Make a new layer and fill it with #BEE6FF, set it to Multiply at 100%
Make a new layer filled with #3B0000, set it to Exclusion at 58%
Make a new layer and fill it with #FFC5C5, set it to Soft Light at 53%

6.-Make a new Color Balance adjustment layer with these settings:
Midtones: 0 +12 +2

7.-Duplicate your base and bring it to the top, set it to Soft Light at 100%
You can also start the coloring from here to get a different but cool look =D

8.-Make a new Selective Coloring adjustment layer with these settings:
Neutrals: 0 +3 +17 0

9.-Make a new Channel Mixer adjustment layer with these settings:
Red: 106 0 0 0
Green: 0 104 0 0
Blue: 0 0 +102 0

10.-Texture time!
Paste this texture and set it to Screen, move erase and lower the oppacity to your liking.
Paste this other one and set it to screen, again move, erase and lower the op. to your liking
Paste this one, heavily edited by me orz can't see which one it is DX, and same as above.

11.-Make a new layer and fill it with #EFEFEE, set it to Multiply at 52%
12.- More textures XD
Paste one more and set it to screen, move,erase and lower the op. to your liking once more lol
Paste the last one and do the same as above XDD

13.-Make a new Levels adjustment layer with these settings:
RGB: 11 1.00 249

14.-Last but not least, make a new Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and set the saturation to +6

Again remember to play with the settings and don't follow exactly, it all depends on your base =3


Third and last for today~ I love this one, if I may say so, this is one of my most pretty colorings, the results always turn out quite nice *A*, enjoy!
We're making:

In Photoshop CS, uses Curves, Selective Coloring.Not translatable.

coloring tutorial #22

This one does use a bunch of textures again from soaked, but hope you like it and give it a shot x3

1.-Get your base.
2.-Duplicate it, Guassian Blur it (1px radius) and set it to Soft Light at 50%
3.-Make a new Curves adjustment layer with the already common settings
Adjust the layers oppacity and blending mode to your liking =)

4.- Make a new layer and fill it with #8D2643, set it to Screen at 36%
Make another layer and fill it with #A6D6EC, set it to Exclusion at 25%
One more filled with #6D0606, set it to Exclusion at 42%
Another one! fill it with #264A8D, set it to Screen at 25%

5.-Now duplicate your base and bring it to the top, set it to Soft Light at 100%
you could also start the coloring from this point to get another result x3

6.-Now make a new Selective Coloring layer with these settings:
Reds: -23 0 +26 +24
Cyans: +59 0 0 +46
Whites: +28 +5 -22 +14
Neutrals: 0 0 0 -8

7.-Paste this texture and set it to screen at 87%, as always move, erase and edit to your liking
Paste this one and set it to Soft Light at 27%, same as above XDD
Paste this other one and set it to soft light at 100%. do the same as above rofl

8.-Duplicate your base and bring it to the top, set it to Soft Light at 100%

We're done! This one's a short one but it's really worth it x33. Again remember to play with the settings and don't follow exactly, it all depends on your base =3


•Comments are nice and make me happy ♥
•Credit back to xxpyrography if you take, please
•Textless icons are not bases
•Don't claim as yours, don't hotlink and don't edit in any way

Watch for future updates?

!quiesscent, tutorials, !xxsecretive

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