Existing to tell the tales of letting go...

Aug 07, 2004 15:10

And now we're strangled to tears on the fallback...

So, this week has been rather eventful. My parents were pissed at me, but now they're not. Or maybe they are, but I just don't care anymore. I hung out with Julie, Bethy, and Robec. We all hung around with Brendan, Dave, Donnie, and John. It was a party. Well, it did have its ups, but there were of course some massive downs. Oh well, I reall don't care at this point. I simply don't understand people sometimes, and why they do certain things. It's me, though, so of course I stop caring about it all after about 2.8 seconds...

The reasons found decoys...

Seriously, all I care about is that in exactly one week, I will be having the time of my life with some of my favorite people in the entire world. I guess Ali and Julie have a lot planned for us...I'm really afraid. Seriously, I know both of them well enough to expect the worst/funniest.

This is holding me back...

Oh well, whatever happens, I know I'll end up laughing or something like it. Anyways, call me Odysseus, because I'm pitted between a rock and a hard place. Yes, I did jsut quote Greek Mythology because I am that awesome. Don't ask...I'll get by...I always do...

As if to say what you thought you heard...

I went shopping with my mom, by the way. And, HAH!!! I BEAT THE SYSTEM!!! I WIN AT LIFE!!! Don't ask how this is beating the system, but all I have to say is that I went down in sizes, and that's beating the system to me. Whatever. I'm messed up, so who really cares?

I wish I did...

I'm bored with writing this now, so I'm just going to go and play my cello. Then I'll pull out some crazy chords on my piano, because I'm so awesome that I taought myself all the tricks behind playing chords. Then I'll play my guitar, because I'm so cool because I can play part of What It Is to Burn by Finch. I really can, too. It was such an epic moment in my life when I learned it. (It's sad, but so true...) I'm such a dork; I just love it.

I don't want to feel this pull...


As this city becomes home without you...
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