Out of Sheer Bordom

May 11, 2006 17:51

Ugh, I'm so damn bored. It's raining out so that should make me happier, but for some reason I just don't feel good. Not sick, just weird. The HIM concert's in like 6 days, so that should make me excited. I am, but still...I don't know. Maybe I'm just extremely worn out. I think that the half day I have tomorrow will do me good. I can come home and get some rest. Then Lart's picking my morbid ass up after she goes to prom so we can go out to eat and make Heartagram cookies. Aw, damnit...I just remembered all the other shit we have to do for the HIM concert. I have my outfit all done, I just need to get Ville's shit. I need a bra, top hat, and paper so I can re-do this one picture I drew of him. He loves art (and he's a damn good artist), so I figured I'd give that to him.

Hmmm...what else?? Oh! I'm on this Marilyn Manson kick right now, so that's really all I'm listening to. It seems like everyone of my stories are inspired by one of his songs. I'm writing one called "Coma White" then for the song fic challenge I'm probably gonna use "The Speed Of Pain", but I'm not sure. Eh, I have til June to do it. Alright, that's about it.

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