Things I have learned.

Jan 07, 2006 19:25

Things I have learned from my experiences in this world/things that I strongly believe in....

-Do not eat a pixie stick after you have brushed your teeth. The resulting taste is quite gross.

-Do not stick a fork into the toaster oven while it is on after you have already done it once.

-Cream Soda is a drug and I am addicted.

-People will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends leave footprints in your heart.

-Smoking a ciggarette while you have a sore throat only makes it worse.

-People that hurt you aren't the time of day.

-It is NOT possible to go a day without music.

-Pain is pleasure. Sometimes. :)

-Never be ashamed to admitt what kind of music you listen to. That's just stupid.

-Alcohol and weed are only temporary solutions to your problems. They never make pain fully go away.

-Old school cartoons are the best. All the new stuff is just stupid and have no real message.

-Degrassi is a great show, but will never compare to Boy Meets World. :)

-Reality TV shows are DEAD. They died shortly after Survivor got into a second season.

-You can't spend your life trying to make everyone happy because then you're not happy.

-Cuddling beats sex any day of the week.

-Old people are heart attacks behind wheels.

-Models aren't real.

-Equality doesn't and will never exist.

-Live and let go.

-The Bible is a book full of stories and ideals that were not made for this day and age.

-Satanism was made for this day and age.

-Everything you do is a sin.

-Jesus was black.

-Gays are very funny people.

-People eat strange things.

-Living in the past is like wasting the future.

-There is no sense in hiding who you are to the people you love.

-Idiots are aggrovating, but also very amusing.

-Dirty jokes are the best kinds of jokes.

-Having a job isn't all that it's cracked up to be sometimes.

-College boys are horny. And scary.

-Old school Disney movies are the best.

-Alice in Wonderland is best watched when stoned with lots of friends.

-People that say they hate drama are usually the ones causing it.

-If Drama was a person, it would have been killed the second it was born.

-Bush's "No Child Left Behind" policy does in fact leave children behind.

-Acting is love.

-Alcohol does weird things to people.

-Pot makes people mellow. And talk about funny things.

-There is a lot of violence in this country.

-You should make your own judgements about people.

-Pyschic hotlines suck when it comes to asking for advice.

-Change can be a good thing.

-Music is a drug for your ears.

-Midol is NOT crack. Men just use that excuse to bug the shit out of women.

-True to popular belief, Ozzy is NOT the devil's son, although he sure does love him like one. :)

-The best kinds of friends are the ones that are there for you in the middle of the night when you need someone to talk to.

-The people responsible for Columbine are not only Harris and Klebold, but the ones that teased them mercillisy and the teachers that witnessed this and did nothing to help them.

-School administrations play favorites when it comes to their football players.

-You need to have a wide variety of music in order to appriciate it.

-Hickeys are very hard to hide.

-Mean people suck.

-Ignorance only produces ingnorance

-It is rather useless to censor things. Kids learn about this stuff when they're older anyway. Better for them to learn early than to learn later on.

-Religion is the opiate of the masses and does nothing for you but feed you lies.

-Buddhism however, is a very useful thing to learn about.

-Reincarnation is very much real. How do you explain deja vou?

-Payback's a bitch.

-Karma is also a bitch.

-The universe, she is a bitch.

-The media only makes you fearful.

-Coloring isn't just for kids.

-iPods are useful.

-Laughter is the best kind of medicine when taken under the right situations.

-War does not eliminate terror, it feeds it.

-Calvin and Hobbes is love.

-Geroge Bush is a hack.

-Books are better than tv.

-The people that love you the most are also the ones that can hurt you the most.

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