Jan 01, 2006 12:02
In the beginning of 2005
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yeah... at least.. I think that's what you would have called us.
How old were you?: 14. (YOUNGIN)
What was your outlook on the world?: I hated the world. I was just kinda waiting for it to explode and for everything to be over already.
How were you doing at school/your job?: Just peachy. Naw... band was the only thing I exelled at. Heh.
What did you most look forward to?: The days spent with Steve and the gang.
Did you make New Year's Resolutions?: Uhhh.. -thinks- no. Not that I remember anyway.
What was your biggest worry?: The ex.
Who was your best friend?: Steve, Leigh, Tonya, Raven, Stinky, Justine, Kayla, Amanda M.
What did you do with your spare time?: I was always either with Pat and Dani or Steve and the gang.
What did you do for fun?: Smoke.
In the middle of 2005-- summer
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope.
Had your outlook on the world changed?: In the begining? No. I was still thinking about how badly things went. But as things started to move on, so did I and my outlook kinda got a bit better.
What did you spend your summer doing?: Getting wasted with Steve and Stinky, going bowling with them afterwards. Hanging out with them all the time at either my house or Steve's.
Did you get tan?: Yeah...after my mom made me go to the beach because I looked like a friggin' sheet of paper.
Who'd you hang out with, mainly?: Steve and the gang.
Did you go visit anywhere?: New Hampshire.
What was your biggest worry?: Raven was leaving us to join the Army and things weren't going well for him. I was afraid that me and Steve would grow apart, which we kinda have. Leigh was moving to Florida. Kayla was in jail.
What was the most fun event that happened?: Hmm.. partying all the time with Steve and the crew.
And as the year drawns to an end...
Still got a significant other?: Yep. <33
How old are you?: 15 (Still a youngin)
What major changes have happened since the year began? I have this wonderful girlfriend whom I wouldn't give up for the world. I have a good job. The old crew has split up and have been scattered all across the globe. I haven't seen much of Steve and Stinky lately. My uncle's girlfriend had twins. :)
Is your life any different from when it started this year?: Yes. But I think it's all for the better.
What thing that happened stands out in your mind?: Maturity.
How have you changed?: I feel better about myself and the things that I can do. I've realized a lot of things about myself that I wouldn't have last year.
What was the most embarrassing moment?: After I had promised my friends that I wouldn't let her walk all over me, I let her anyway.
When was your lowest point?: The ski trip.
Are you happy with how the year went?: Towards the end, yes.
What thing would you change if you could?: I wouldn't change a thing. Eveything that's happened to me has made me realize a lot of things about myself.
For 2006...
What do you plan to not do that you did this year?: I'm not going to be a doormat.
Do you think it'll be better than this year?: I have a good feeling about this year.
Do you think it'll be WORSE than this year?: Hope not.
What do you plan to do next year?: I want to read more. Maybe do something with History.. because god knows I need to pass that class. I am NOT taking it again next year.
What are your pre-New Year's resolutions?: Didn't make any.
Who are you spending New Year's Eve with?: I spent it with my lovely girlfriend and her kickass friends. :)
And to wrap it up..
What one thing would you like to say as the year is almost done?: There are a lot of paths in life.. and maybe this one I'm going down is for the better.