Why oh why does everywhere apart from my house seem to get 3g?! This just isn't fair D: bah. Anyways I'm at the dentist for my 6 month check up.
Ok, before I post stuff I fill in the location stuff etc. Well, at least when I remember... I wrote that there was panic at the disco on the radio. Turns out it's actually a CD so not only is my dentist a 12 year old (seriously, I don't think his voice has broken yet) but he is an EMO 12 year old.
My sister's done now. My turn. This seems like a good place to stick the pic (my sisters legs, not mine)
Oh. My. God.
I have NEVER disliked the dentist. They have always been really nice to me. One even asked if I'd had braces :). That was until evil Indian emo 12 year old dentist turned up. Seriously, I'd forgotten how bad it was. The pain. Plus he keeps telling me to floss. I'd rather risk gum disease then shove a bit of string down my gum twice a day. Why the heck would I want swolen bloody gums twice a day?? Given that gum disease IS swolen blood gums I think I will take my chances. None of my other dentisits have had a problem with them. I think this one just likes to torture people. Bah.
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