
Dec 14, 2010 23:49

I've been bumming around tumblr lately, thinking of getting an account but I can't deal with all the hipster photos.   Wait a sec, ima gonna go make one.

meh, I think the crappy webcamness takes away from it.

anyways, onto a more serious note, the number of kids there who go on about the 'cutting myself phase' or the 'self harm era' all make it seem like some sort of teenage rite of passage which weirds me out.  it makes it seem normal, something that all teenagers go through.  i just want to smack them round the head and be all 'dude, get help, that aint right' but from being on the internet you'd think that it was as common as getting nasty skin during your teen years.

ah well, tumblr is great for pictures and i've found my new 'guy who looks alot like a girl' to obsess over.  it be yuuki from lycaon:

he makes me go o.O more than bou from an cafe did.

for more confusion see this place:

I was talking to someone in labs today about music.  he spent half an hour trying to get me interested in 80s political punk.  I hate it when people try to talk to me about music because i seem to care about totally different things.  I want it to sound nice and if the people making it are pretty thats a bonus.  Outside of that I couldn't give two shits.  That sprung from a conversation about politics, which I also seem to have no views on.  It isn't that i'm not interested in politics, its just that I don't know enough about it to sound even remotely intelligent when speaking on it.  People sometimes mistake this for apathy but I just don't want to go around making ill informed statements about things.  I do sometimes (well, alot of the time) and I really wish that I didn't.

Ne ways, I was meant to be meeting up with my friend tomorrow to go to korea town but I don't know if that's happening any more...I'm not bothered either way atm, it would be nice to see because I haven't been before, but on the other hand I need to go to dalston and get my eyebrows threaded.

"it's a field...that I'm quite knowledgable about"
I lolled irl. 

yuuki, lycaon, tumblr, seriousness, hipsters

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