
Dec 10, 2010 16:01

Ddaaammmnnnn. Got rejected from Leeds D: this does not bode well as it was one of two unis (the other being Sheffield) whose entry requirements I actually met. Also irritating because they gave me an informal offer last school year...I should have taken it then.

Rang them up (sad I know, but I wanted to hear what was wrong with my application given that i've already met all the requirements they have on their site) and got told the usual 'it's a very popular course yadayada there aren't many unis that do it etc.' and it was a bit 'no shit Sherlock'. Apparently my personal statement lacked a 'detailed critical comparison' of the books I've read. WTF?! A personal statement is only 47 fecking lines long!!!

So now I have to come to terms with the fact that I might not get in anywhere and will be stuck doing a degree I hate and as a direct result a job I hate. Fml.
I'm trying to decide whether or not I should challenge it. If I get any other offers I would pick them over Leeds (epic fear of going to japan in second year, don't think I'd be ready) so im not sure if it's worth the effort. I do think that I could challenge it by going 'well I did English lit a a level so obvs I can compare books' and leaving it at that. Argh. Not happy. If I get rejected from Sheffield I will complain because I REALLY want to go there. Edinburgh/SOAS/Manchester fair enough because I don't meet their requirements so meh.

Oh well. In other news I'm off to oxford to visit my bff page. I got her a grimjow (grimjaw? The blue wolf thing from bleach) necklace. Blargh. Some old guy was sat next to me then moved so I was all 'yay' but he has been replaced by someone who STINKS. This is not going to be a fun journey.

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

leeds, via ljapp, fail, complaining, japanese, trip, uni

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