(no subject)

Feb 01, 2010 09:38

Sitting in chapel listing to some marketing spiel by the useless head. "vision" "core values" "enrichment" "enhance opportunities" in the words of the late JD Salinger "it's all phony". Or whatever, I never really liked catcher in the rye, I can't understand why so many people do. I think it wins all these polls for xyz's favourite book because people remember reading it at school. Houlden (?) isn't deep or anything, he is t giving a great insight into stuff. Instead he is just a whiney little bitch. It would be too obvious to take a picture in here so have one I took outside.

This is my friend emma, we used to share a study but then she killed my fish :(. You can also view my school uniform in all it's hideous glory. It manages to make the thinnest person look fat, and it you actually are fat (wie ich) you are doomed. I actuall have a waist (this is at 24 inch skirt) but you couldn't know that from seeing me in this uniform. The jumper takes the widest part of you and makes the rest of your body a similar width. This is alright for all those girls who have chests similar to airport runways but for the rest of us it's annoying. However, all this fades into insignificance next to the pure concentrated awesome that it the cloaks. Everyone in the school has to buy one as it's part of the uniform but nobody really minds cus they are COOL. They start off as cloaks when you first come but as you get older (and hopefully taller) they turn into capes. Only downside is how difficult they are to keep on. There are 3 ways of wearing them. The first is emma's, you stand normally and cross it over your body. Sadly this means that you can't use your hands. The second way is mine, you drape it over your shoulders and hunch to stop it from slipping off. This also has it's cons, you shrink a few inches and look like Quasimodo (WTF? That was in my phones dictionary). The final way gives you the use of your hands and allows you to stand up straight but very few people do this. It involves crossig two straps across in an x shape then tying them on your waist. Not a pretty sight.

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

via ljapp, school, complaining, fashion, stupidfuckingbitchwhore

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