
Sep 14, 2010 23:26
I really hope that these will be dirt cheap if/when they turn up. I want to be flying for less than double figures if i'm being made to park myself on one of those. People are saying 'I'd rather not go.' etc. but if I could get to asia for as much as it costs me to take a train to london I would. I'd defiantly take one of these to germany for less than 50 pounds. Sadly I think that the airlines will just charge as much as usual.

Anyho, I still haven't packed for uni and my mum is pissing herself. Kings are being as useless as always and haven't sent a thing. I've had more info from student finance than I have had from the uni. I'm also wondering what to do about ucas. I want to apply nowish but I don't want my new uni getting ucas letters for me just as i've turned up. I think I'm going to ask one of my london friends if I can use her address... that wouldn't be too good though. Ideally i'd wait to see if I like this course or not, talk it over with people at kcl THEN go and apply...arrgh. I think if I get my application in before the deadline I might still be able to get a place. Ok, just looked at 15th of january is the deadline and my second term starts on the 10th. Not sure if that is start start or turn up start...
I guess that would give me christmas to make up my mind and then 5 days to sort it with kcl MAX. marks arent great either so its not like they would be falling over themselves to take me. My korean friend (who dropped out this year to reapply next year) said that her school advised her to drop out because unis dislike taking people who are already somewhere else.
I should have gone to leeds when I got the chance.

I also wouldn't mind studying korean so if nothing comes up I could try doing that through extra. Its far less competitive than japanese and I could go visit my friend between my first and second year to get some practice. Sadly LOADS of people are fluent in korean/english because of all the korean people living in america. bah.

My dad just walked in and goes 'guess what i got in my html exam? 95%!' Which is great and i'm very happy for him but if he STILL can't see that he is attempting to make me follow his life plan hes blind.

IT IS HUGE. I don't have my glasses on so it looked like a black splodge the size of a mug. I'm going to sleep at the other end of my bed tonight so it cant climb up the headboard onto my face. ugh.

in other news my laptop has arrived in the uk! its somewhere in birmingham now. its taken a week for them to build it and then ship it from china. i'm assuming that it will take a similar amount of time to get here from bham. that said, last time i washing maschined my ipod (and got a free new one) it only took a couple of days from china to here so all is not lost.

spider, japanese, apple, korean, uni

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