been watching hello baby + i hate my uni even more

Sep 09, 2010 15:04

 and kept thinking 'aww, minho is such a good father' 
and so tall...and handsome...and talented...

then i realised that he was younger than me.

stupid bloody korean idols achieving so much while im still going through the education system *bitter jealousy*

my friends and i were talking about this during exams.  it was so depressing to know that we would be considered 'past it' by sm D:

after school are/were still holding auditions though for people our age.  sadly they are all giants so we had no chance.


i comfort myself with the knowledge that they have to work so hard but get paid feck all.

edit: because im posting too much i'll rant here about uni.

i havent even gone and i hate it already.  first they give me shitty accomodation and now their online registration thing takes forever and a life time.  i hate all those bloody security questions (i think there are 5) so made up all the answers.  how the hell should i know what day i was born?? I WAS A BABY.  gah.  also, they put together videos which contain 'all the information you'll need' well it better also be contained in the email they sent me because i cant watch the effing video.  argh.  i hate them so much.

shinee, rant, uni

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