
Jan 24, 2010 00:42

Sitting I choir at the moment. We're going through the amens at the moment. Part by part :(. I'm not actually that bothered, it means I can write here :D. Haven't updated in a while because I've been busy with exams and what not. Depending on how much time I have during this practice (aka how shite firsts are being today) I might write more on that later. I've decided to write a little about me every so often. Today's topic is *drumroll* CHOIR

The choir at my school used to be really good. Like really good. We did the services or radio four or something until their producer was rude. Then Mr A told them to sod off. Everythings been kind of meh since then. I joined and there were no more mcdonalds breakfasts on school but at least there were still pizzas after Durham. Not for long. Mr A left at the end of that year and Mr G came. We all feel pretty bad about that because we didn't really give him a chance... He didn't have the same experience as Mr A but still tried which was nice. Some prats of parents complained which P'd most of us off as we really did love him. We've ended up with Mrs M now. She's good and I think she will do well but I still miss Mr G. So, that's the history of the choir.

Here is a picture to break up the huge amount of text:

It would look really pretty if the firsts had their light on as well. I really want the school choir to sing at my wedding, whenecer that will be. I hope that I will be rich enough to afford it. I've already picked one of the anthems I want. It's 'O Salutaris'. I don't know if that is appropriate but he other things I like are requiems and I KNOW that they shouldn't be sung at weddings. I've picked out the amen I want as well. It is number 65, I even took a picture of it.

I had to stick it together with one of those panorama programmes so it looks a little iffy. I have more choir tomorrow, I think we will be singing panis angelicus (angelic bread? WTF?). Ne ways. That's all for now. I'm off to try and tag it.

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music, choir, via ljapp, school, wedding

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