just as the title says can anyone properly distinguish between these two: ethnicity vs nationality? i am not a professor
i guess i would need to ask some sociologist theorists maybe in my next sociology class if i have a chance i will ask my lecturer
, although i get the impression he doesnt like me =S i am not sure why? anyway do u all know
soompi? its a korean fan site with various different sections and topics, its dominantly used by asians but its all writen in english,,,,
does it say something? =S anyway there is numerous threads about asian racial relations which usually ends up being a hot topic and then gets closed. =]
But recently there was a thread asking what do u think of "wasians, wapanese" blah blah and obviously everyone bashed them, but for me i just think those words are just derogatory racist words to put fans admirers down.......
the funny thing is i'd be surprised if any of those who commented were actually japanese lol =\ but this is the 21st century, the world is so much smaller now the internet has made everything possible. u can blame the internet for these fan girl (or boy) admirers obcessions, anything thats different attracts a following namely anime, manga. then fashion: ganguro and the subcultures, gothic lolilta and various other.... then cosplay in theory it could be seen as better rip off version of holloween. So all this anime, manga, fashion: ganguro and the subcultures, gothic lolilta stuff
u can buy online @.@ who can u buy it from? lalala i rest my case. they've brought it on themselves... if they didn't want people liking it, they shouldn't of exposed it to us, they should of made tougher visa stipulations to get into the continent and the various countries, they should of followed suit of america and its policy for chinese and mexician... they should of at least done a internet censorship like pakistan serbia stuff like that they're all very careful not to let anything out or in. keep it a closed society but it was not to be. japanophile asia admirers are here to stay bad or good is yours to decide.
My follow up thread got closed i wanted to discuss the whole issue of white people who consider themselves asian, at least in the heart.... because recently i came across a french blog which set out a list of profiles of french asians and a link to their blog....and on the last page was a french girl with the title white AZN.... and underneath there was comments, alot of people bashing her what do u think of this? is it a bit overboard ? taking things a step to far. well if you consider other things, u can change your nationality.... if a chinese, indian, pakistani etc marries an irish they can get an irish passport. but the question is does this mean they are actually irish? what is even the definition of irish? what about someone whos parents are irish, but emigrated to america, lived there whole life there, and have never been back to ireland, are they still irish? like they claim to be? whether this is right or wrong it is still the case. so its that simple? marry someone of ur desired nationality and tada hey presto ! u are a new person =S so chinese marries irish change nationality to irish => european vice versa perhaps marry chinese change nationality to chinese => asian. the problem is the irish nationality is typically white, caucasian is the ethnicity not european similar with americian in away. the problem with asia is the skin colour and the people of the continent are called the same word asian thats the reason for the issues with indians pakistanis, saudi arabians not being fully recognised as asians....... the debate continues......
we're all humans we shouldn't let race nationalitys be an issue we are all eual. so frankly desiring to be another nationality is ridiculous lking a country because of the things it has shouldn't be a problem, trying to learn a new language shouldn't be a problem, it shouldn't be considered an insult by the native speakers. i think thats totally wrong .