Aug 31, 2005 17:49
well lets see... im in a bad mood and i dont care who sees this cause well i think the person that im gonna talk about needs to see this and how i feel...
well lets see.... i think David likes me only for my looks cause of 3 things he said...
(1)david4mccullough: no offense, but by the looks of you i never would have guessed you were 12=-O:-X
(2)David4mccullough: u are hott in nething:-)
(3)david4mccullough: :-[r ur boobs firm or squishy:-X
he apologized for the boob one.. but still why would he even think like that? i talked to Alex James Munroe today and he took David's side of course but like he said all guys are like that and everything... but like... a boyfriend would be like that? i don't think so.. if so then thats not a good boyfriend..i also told Alex James Munroe that I love David soo much and i gave him my heart and he just took it and stabbed it... you don't know how it feels to get used cause the guy needs to get over someone or to just be lieked for your looks or something... personaly i dont think i look pretty at all.. i hate myself and everything... so don't think i feel all high about myself.... i just dont want for my heart to get ripped to peices again for the 100th time in my life... I made some bad choices and I hate myself for that... i guess im holding on to something that will never come back.... =\ i dunno.. i guess im waiting for him to change back... i dunno.. i really love him and i dont want to lose him... =\
i dunno... im just very confused... and just like... upset... and just bleh....