Mar 25, 2005 10:53
GOD i am fucking DONE i am DONE with all this BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULL. SHIT. & i'm done with you & your fucking NONSENSICAL WHINING FUCKING NOISE, fucking OVER IT and you're NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING like what you were and i am not I AM NOT WHAT I SHOULD BE so fuck you(!)& fuck this, i am, DONE i am fucking DONE.
i am over you.
I HATE YOUR FUCKING phone calls, monotony, fucking bullshit from thousands of miles away you fucking HEATBREAK I NEVER ONCE CRIED OVER YOU whore!!! i could kill you. i COULD KILL. fuck you fuck you fuck YOU i am so fucking done LISTENING IS NOT THAT FUCKING HARD! i hate waiting. i fucking HATE YOU. you with your fucking FIX ME/CHANGE ME you with your DON'T LOSE THE KEYS/DON'T SMOKE YOUR WEED you with your motherFUCKING "i love you" &your motherfucking tears???FUCK THAT SHIT. you have no emotion you cold heartless FUCKING WHORE+this is the end of everything! fuck me if i ever cared, if i ever will care, if i even wanted to give a FLYING FUCK in the first place; you are NOTHING to me you are not the air in my lungs (which i do not need) you are not the money in my wallet (which i don't have, & i REFUSE TO TAKE YOUR MONEY!bitch.) you are NOTHING MORE THAT A NUISSANCE.
this time you have gone too far/you are the lowest of the low/you are NOTHING& i can overcome this.
this is not the first time you have brought me to my knees.
but this is the first time you will fall to yours.