Oct 28, 2008 10:21
I am a girl who got my favorite treat yesterday: seeing my boyfriend unexpectedly.
We used to say that we'd use Mondays to watch Heroes together, but it's difficult for him on Mondays so we trashed the idea. These last two weekends have been a little hectic, Scott thought he had his GREs last saturday so we didnt' hang out Friday so he could study---turns out that his test was really the sunday instead. And this weekend was Marion and Steve's birthdays as well as Scott's brother Mark coming home. I saw Scott a bit on Friday and went out to eat with his family, but we met up with people at his house and watched Signs and Halloween 4 while Scott fell asleep on me. (he was up until 4:30am the night before getting work done.) Saturday I didn't get a chance to see him due to conflicting schedules: all of us went out for Marion/Steve's birthday at Chilis and then hung out at Dave and Busters while he was having family time with his brother. And once they were looking for something to do, all of us (marion, steve, me, pete and andrew) were done with D&B's and going back to my house to watch Se7en. Obviously, his brother didn't want to come and hang out at my house, so I didn't get to see him.
However, I managed to hook my Wii to pick up on my wireless, so we got to do online Super Smash Brothers together. It was pretty funny imagining how he was reacting on the other side of town when I hit him with the soccerball (inside joke) or watched him fall off the edge as Zelda while trying to fire blast me. And one of his 'taunts' was "I love Lisa" which made me go d'aww<3
Sunday we went to mass together as usual. Mass is always a bit of a tease; I love that extra hour and a half I get to see him during the weekend, but we both know that it's the last day we'll get to see each other until the next week (usually). I never want to get out of the car and say goodbye, as lame as that sounds.
Anyways, yesterday was pain because I had two midterms: Japanese and Geology. Afterwards, at lunch with Marion and Steve, I randomly took a picture of the cover of a romance novel I was reading ("The Savage") and sent it to Scott as a joke, asking if he wanted to borrow it. Much later, when I'm at home and on my bed watching "A Haunting" on Discovery, Scott texts me back "hot hot hot" and "in the mood?" I text him "Yes. And there's nothing for me to do about it but read books like this" as a joke. I'm surprised when I get back "What are you doing at 4:30? Want to get together for a bit?"
Naturally, my intial response to that is HELL YEAH. I always have the desire to spend time with him, no matter what we're doing or how short of a time we have. I figured if he came at 4:30, we've have until 6ish (I approxed the time he'd go home for dinner).
So 4:30 comes about, 4:40, 4:45 and still no Scott. I get a call around 4:50ish and he tells me that he's just leaving the campus now and if I wanted to get dinner instead. Again, initial response is yes yes yes. I figured, if anything, we'll spend an hour eating before he left to get his work done.
When he does come to my house, he's loaded up with a laptop, a dufflebag of books and a backpack swung on his shoulders. I was taken back, for I thought he would only be able to do dinner and not, as he told my dumbstricken self, to watch his show "Chuck" and our "Heroes" together for the evening. Realizing that I'd get until 10pm with him on a Monday made me beyond happy, for I never thought that we'd get that sort of time together last night.
Cue a night of fun, super smashing, cuddling, All American, laptop and Heroes. After we finished up Heroes, he suggested that we play some more SSB, which I certainly didn't mind. As it got later and later, he kept saying "one more game, one more." Why? Because "he knew he should go, but he just didn't want to leave me just yet." Yes, I melted on the inside upon hearing that ^^
I love him (if that isn't obvious enough).
The weather is horrid today; I woke up to the beginings of a thunderstorm a bit before 6am and cursed my luck. I had to drive like a turtle with the traffic and the slippery roads and at some parts could barely see because of the hard rain. Marion and I scramble to our classes (she had hers in Humanites, I had to walk up the hill to the Library). Heading towards the stairs, I see Anna (a girl who I talk with in my Education class) coming up the stairwell and tells me that Professor Astuto cancelled the class.
At first I was irritated, but I suppose it's for the best. I really don't like her class at all, nor did I feel like sitting through an hour and a half group work and discussion while waiting on pins to get back our midterms. I've been stuck in the warm Library since 9:30 since I have Grammar at 11 upstairs, so no point in leaving the building. I don't have any work to do for tomorrow or any due for this week, so I killed my time reading through half of my fanfiction chapter/story alert update emails, texted grumpy texts to Scott and scribbled on about the current going-ons in my life.
I still have about five minutes til I gotta head up, so what else can I say?
I've been really into horror movies these past two/three weeks, which is very out of character for me. I'm an absolute whimp when it comes to anything scary, yet I've been watching the two episode block of "A Haunting" on Discovery Monday-Friday while tapping and watching all the scary movies I can find. (What gives me courage is the fact that their t.v. edited, thus supposedly? less scary).
I've watched all three Final Destinations, Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Gothika, The House on Haunted Hill (remake), The Blair Witch Project, Rest Stop, Signs, Shaun of the Dead (though I don't think this counts), Dawn of the Dead (2004), some of Saw, some of Cabin Fever, the end of Halloween 4, end of Darkness Falls, end of Return to House on Haunted Hill and I taped Jeepers Creepers, The Exorisim of Emily Rose and Nightmare on Elm Street to watch at a later date.
I'm on a roll, booyah.
Of course, anything to do with ghosts has scared the shit out of me. I don't know why I do this to myself when it freaks me out. 'A Haunting' has to be the most disturbing, some of that shit really messes with you since it's supposedly "real." Some episodes are stupid, but there's two I can think of that got my stomach in knots and shivers down my back.
I'm a coward who keeps coming back for more.
horror movies,