Hey hey hey...

Dec 25, 2004 00:10

I got this from Rayner who got it from Xandy (she's started a trend lol). Guess who they're about...

RULES: write a statement intended for 10 different people. NEVER tell which one is for who.

1. Since 7th grade, you've become many "firsts" for me...you were my first best guy friend, first slow dance, gave me my first real kiss, you were with me the first time I snuck out, you were the first guy I felt comfortable around...and I don't think you realize any of it either. I hate some of the friends you've had or have because they have caused you to do some unrepairable things to yourself. It hurts me a lot to hear you talk about the "bad" things you do, and even more so because I can't stop you. I hope that one day you will realize how much you are harming, not only yourself, but the people around you too. You're also not the same guy I knew when I first met you. You're personality and outlook on life has changed greatly, some for the worse, some for the better. I could go months without seeing you, then talk to you again and things would be just the same and that's what I love about our friendship. I kno things are gonna work out for the best for you in the end and I'll be there right by your side.

2. You're always smiling, even when you're mad, and you're such a gorgeous girl. I think you need to realize tho that there's more to life than money and brands and material things. You come off fake to some people, but I kno you're really not. Sometimes you can act like we're the best of friends and other times it's like you don't even kno me.

3. We've only just begun to be good friends, but I can see what a down-to-earth, funny, chill guy you are. You're extremely honest and you rarely, if ever lie, something that's very hard to find in people these days. It may seem like you're the "lets just mess around and that's it" sorta person and the cheating type, but I kno that you're not. You're relationship with you're girlfriend is a perfect example. The only thing that bothers me is how you think it's ok to say ANYTHING when there should really be a limit because words can be pretty hurtful.

4. Holy shit, I've been through so much ish with you. Although we hated each other at the time, you and I shared one of the hardest, trying periods of our life. What sux tho is that everything was my fault and the result of a stupid decision I made. Before that, you were like my sister. You knew things about me that no one else knew. I was there throughout your entire entire relationship with D****, from the beginning until the end. I don't think you'll ever kno exactly how much I regret that choice I made 9 months ago. I almost destroyed our friendship, threw it down the drain...after knowing you for 6 years. I feel so disgusting whenever I think about what I did to you. It's the one and only thing that I regret in my life because you're friendship means more to me than you'll ever kno. I read your LJ and I realized that I deserved everything you said about me in there, I just hope you don't feel the same way anymore, although I could understand if you did. But for the past two months things have been heading back to the way they were when we first became best friends. You've been there through my very difficult family problems and you're one of the only people who could remotely understand what goes on in my house. You're such an exciting, wonderful person to be around, but I think you need to learn how not to be so self-conscious and increase your self-esteem. I'm really proud of you though that you've started accepting compliments from people..haha good job! You're like a family member to me and I love you dearly.

5. I've known you since 4th grade and we've been best friends since 6th. In these 5 years, I've had some of the best times of my life with you. We have so many memories together, like the summer you basically lived at my house, almost getting kidnapped, going out at night to throw eggs on the street, parties, staying up for hours talking about everything, endless movies, and the list goes on. You've always been my shoulder to cry on, someone I know I can depend on. You have an amazing attitude and you are such a sweet girl. I love you and I hope you'll be one of my "forever" friends.

6. I got to kno u better the last couple months of sophomore year and since the summer you became like a sister to me.I could talk to you about almost ANYTHING, especially our encounters with boys. We had many of the same problems in our life and helped each other through some troublesome times. There have been some rocky points in our friendship but even now I consider you one of my really good friends, although it seems like you've turned your back on me at times. However now it seems that you're not very honest with how you feel about me. I wish you would just understand that you're friendship meant SO incredibly much to me and still does, I could never explain, and I never meant for the "incidents" that occurred to happen because I love you too much. It brings a smile to my face whenever I think about all our inside jokes and conversations we've had about boys in our life. If only you felt the same way. Also, to most people you seem like a happy-go-lucky, preppy girl and for the most part you are, but I kno tho that sometimes you're really hurting inside. Be true to yourself.

7. I miss the friendship you and I had. But I wish it hadn't led to the feelings we had for each other in the end. Now that I look back on it all, I realize that everything would have been so much better if we had just stayed friends, that things would be a lot different. Whenever I see you, I don't think about those two weeks we were "together" but of how good of friends we were. I liked it when you would treat me like your sister, like your best friend. I guess it's just that you made me feel special and loved. But I don't kno wat I was thinking when I thought things would stay the same between us in the end.

8. You've been my best friend since Kindergarten and after 12 years, you still are, 3000 miles doesn't make a difference. I love how I can not talk to you for months at a time, then get ahold of you again and things will be like it was when I first met you. I wish I could see you more often tho. You're seriously one of the nicest, most genuine, caring people I kno and I'm very priveleged to have a friend like you.

9. Things have changed so much between us. I never imagined it would end up like this because we were the bestest of friends. We were always there for each other, through good times, bad times, fun times. I could relate to you because we shared similar backrounds and cultures. You understood how my life was, the things that went on in my family. You could always make me laugh with your sarcastic comments and comic statements. You never failed to be a best friend. But sometimes I felt that you were not very open-minded towards certain things and I was afraid to tell you stuff, even tho I so badly wanted to. I thought you would see me differently and not accept me as one of your good friends anymore. It seems like you let your mom's views about me get in the way of our friendship too. I feel as if you let go of the bond we had and it really hurts sometimes. Maybe one day things will go back to the way they were tho. I miss the feeling of having such an awesome girl friend, but just kno that I'll always love you...it's too difficult to leave someone you cared about so much behind.

10. Last but not least. I don't even kno where to start. You're seriously like the best person I have in my life right now. You've always, ALWAYS been there for me when I needed support through tough times in my life. While I was at Monterey High, I could turn to you for anything and I know I still can, even tho I don't get to see you as often. You've always had my back on ideas and decisions I've made and not once have you judged me on things I've done in the past. I kno I can tell you anything and you won't look at me any differently. Around you, I can say something stupid and not feel stupid. I've had to keep many things from my closest friends, but with you it's not like that. You've never failed to make me smile when I'm feeling down. We share endless inside jokes, little handshakes, and such. You're the funniest person I kno and I love your crazy, hyper, eccentric mentality. Some of the hardest times I've laughed we're because of you. I feel so honored that you can trust me with your secrets and I kno when I tell you something it'll never come out. When you're upset, I'm upset and when you're happy, I'm happy. I love hearing about you're love life, your past relationships, and listening to your stories, problems, etc. I'm so glad that you found such a great girlfriend, someone that puts a smile on YOUR face, someone that you have true feelings for and don't want to fuck all the time (hehe). I think I'm one of the luckiest people to have such an AWESOME, AMAZING friend like you and no one could ever replace you. There's no way I could thank you for the things you've done for me. You're like my brother and I love you SO, SO, SO much, I don't think you have any idea. I kno we will be the best of friends for years to come.

u kno u love me, xoxo *atia*
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