.001. ] Name: Lili
.002. ] Gender: Female
.003. ] Age: Sixteen
.004. ] Birthday: May 30
.005. ] Height: 5'7"
.006. ] Hair color: Black
.007. ] Eye color: Yesterday they were brown. Today, black for some reason.
.008. ] Race: I think I'm Irish. I don't know.
.009. ] Is your hair long or short: Mine's pretty long.
.010. ] Repping: ^O_O> MY ASS!
.011. ] Zodiac sign: Gemini
.012. ] How many languages do you know: Three
.013. ] Nationality: American. o_O
.014. ] Piercings you have: Three in my ears, randomly.
.015. ] Piercings you want: I want to get the side of my lip done. My nose, my ears a few more times and perhaps some crabbed piercing like my bisatch was showing me on that random site, as some look fun.
.016. ] Tattoos you have: None. v_v
.017. ] Tattoos you want: I want to get the LP symbols, and I'm going to soon. I also want a lyric bracelet and a lot of other shit that I haven't decided on.
.018. ] Today's date: March 21th.
.019. ] The time: 11:06 AM
" S C H O O L "
.020. ] Are you still in school: Yes.
.021. ] Did you drop out: I wanted to, and was going to but my father threatened my life and his own if I did such a thing which is fucking twisted if you ask me.
.022. ] Favorite grade: Ninth, because of Jesse. *mourns the Jesse* He was like, one of my good friends, and I randomly loved the kid.
.023. ] Least favorite grade: Probably eleventh.
.024. ] Favorite teacher: Mr. Edson is crabbed, and I enjoy him.
.025. ] Least favorite teacher: Mrs. Coons, for she was a hippie that liked to make cars run off of french fry and chinese food oil. She's fucking insane.
.026. ] Favorite subject: My numerous art courses, and English. I always do really well in those.
.027. ] Least favorite subject: I can't stand History and Math at this point, as they're dragging my average down.
.028. ] Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: Mom gives me money for lunch, but I use it on breakfast and eat when I get home.
.029. ] Play any sports on the school's team: Nope. ^O_O>
.030. ] Are/were you popular: Pfft. In like, fifth grade when none of that shit mattered.
.031. ] Most humiliating moment: None really stick out in my mind.
" F A V O R I T E "
.032. ] Number: Thirteen is fun.
.033. ] Clothing brand: Gothic Lolita. .m/
.034. ] Shoes: My pink and black random Sugar shoes and my boots.
.035. ] Saying: Bitch ass mother fucker. 8D
.036. ] Tv show: Saturday Night Live, Viva La Bam...and fuse is fun.
.037. ] Sport: I bowl, but it's not my favorite.
.038. ] Vegetable: Broccoli with ranch dressing or celery with bleu fromage salad dressing. *french accent*
.039. ] Fruit: Peaches, apples and banananananananas.
.040. ] Movie: The Ring, Green Mile, Dude Where's my Car...
.041. ] Magazine: Blender, Rolling Stone, Metal Edge, Circus, J-14 o_O
.042. ] Candy: Reese's randomly. Creme Savers...*thinks*
.043. ] Gum: I don't really know. Bubblicious is fun. Strawberry style. Word.
.044. ] Scent: Green apple
.045. ] Ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
.046. ] Color: Pink and Black.
.047. ] Season: Summer.
.048. ] Holiday: Halloween and Christmas sometimes. Only when mom isn't a whore, which is rare.
.049. ] Type of music: Mostly harder stuff, but I don't really care.
.050. ] Thing in your room: My computer.
.051. ] Bands: Linkin Park, the Distillers, Evanescence, Audioslave, Good Charlotte
.052. ] Books: 'It' has been pretty good thus far. The book is fucking long though. Over 1000 pages. ^O_O>
.053. ] TV channel: MTV and Fuse.
.054. ] Junk food: Tortilla chips and medium salsa.
.055. ] Overall food: I fancy steak.
.056. ] Shoe brand: Doesn't matter. Just let them be pretteh.
.057. ] Fast food: Taco Bell.
.058. ] Restaurant: Ruby Tuesday's.
.059. ] Shape: I often draw o_O on my papers in school lmfao because it's been implanted in my mind.
.060. ] Time of day: Night.
.061. ] Country: Spain or Italy seems fun. I'd get lost though, because I don't know the languages.
.062. ] State: I've never been anywhere but New York really, so I don't know.
.063. ] Boys name: Aubrey is fun.
.064. ] Girls name: Adrienne.
.065. ] Mall: Crossgates or Wilton. Clifton Country Mall sucks ass and I hate that it's the only close one to my house.
.066. ] Car: BMW Z3 randomly. Sonata's are cool too.
.067. ] Word: I...don't know. Moist is fun.
.068. ] Month: July.
.069. ] Disney character: Disney is corrupt. Don't let your children watch it.
.070. ] Scary movie: Scary Movie <3. I love the Ring randomly. And I'm aching to see Gothika.
" T H I S OR T H A T "
.071. ] Rock or rap: Rock.
.072. ] Rock or pop: Rock.
.073. ] Rock or r&b: Rock.
.074. ] Rap or pop: Pop, I guess.
.075. ] Rap or r&b: Rap.
.076. ] Rap or metal: Metal.
.077. ] Pop or r&b: Pop.
.078. ] Pop or metal: Metal.
.079. ] r&b or metal: Metal.
.080. ] Selena or J.lo: They're both the same people. ^O_O> J LO played Selena in that movie. YOURE TRYING TO TRICK ME!
.081. ] Hot or cold: Cold.
.082. ] Winter or summer: Summer
.083. ] Spring or fall: Fall
.084. ] Shakira or Britney: Shakira, because she can actually sing.
.085. ] MTV or VH1: MTV
.086. ] Football or basketball: Football.
.087. ] Skiing or snowboarding: Snowboarding, although I damaged myself the last time I tried it.
.088. ] Rollarblading or skateboarding: Skateboarding.
.089. ] Black or white: Black
.090. ] Orange or red: Red
.091. ] Yellow or green: Green
.092. ] purple or pink: Both
.093. ] Inside or outside: Inside.
.094. ] Weed or alcohol: Neither.
.095. ] Cell phone or pager: Cell.
.096. ] Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: Powerpuff Girls
.097. ] Scooby doo or dino: Scooby.
.098. ] Tattoos or piercinqs: Probably tattoos. ^O_O>
.099. ] Coke or pepsi: Pepsi.
.100. ] Flowers or candy: I don't know. Neither really.
.101. ] Tall or short: Tall.
" H A V E / W O U L D Y O U E V E R . . "
.102. ] Pictured your crush naked?: lmfao no. I'd be so disturbed actually.
.103. ] Actually seen your crush naked: I'd...be disturbed.
.104. ] Been in love: I don't know.
.105. ] Cried when someone died: I have.
.106. ] Drank alcohol: A couple of times.
.107. ] Lied: Yes, but not often.
.108. ] Eat crap for $1,000,000: That's a lot of money lmfao. Put me in the situation and we'll see.
.109. ] Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: No.
.110. ] Lie to the police: No, but I would if I had to.
.111. ] Run from the police: I haven't had to.
.112. ] Lie to your parents: I have, but I try not to anymore.
.113. ] Walk up to a stranger and kiss them: Lmfao, it depends on who.
.114. ] Walk out of a restaurant without paying: I haven't, but I'd do it.
.115. ] Flashed someone: I haven't. o_O
.116. ] Told the person you liked how you felt: Several times.
.117. ] Gone to jail or juvi: No.
.118. ] Stolen anything: I have.
.119. ] Wanted to kick my ass for making this so long: No, it's going by pretty fast actually.
.120. ] Kicked someone's ass: Yes.
.121. ] Broke a beer bottle: Yes.
.122. ] Gotten into a bar, under-aged: Yes
.123. ] Kissed someone of the same sex: Does mother count?
.124. ] Gone on a road trip: Yes.
.125. ] Gone on vacation without adult supervision: Yeah o_O
.126. ] Been to a concert: Yes. Not recently though. -_-
.127. ] Been to another country: No.
.128. ] Talked back to an adult: Everyday of my life. 8D
.129. ] Got pulled over: No.
.130. ] Got in a car accident: No.
.131. ] Broke a law: A couple.
.132. ] Given money to a homeless person: Yes.
.134. ] Tried to kill yourself: I've thought about it seriously, but I haven't tried.
.135. ] Cried to get out of trouble: I don't recall ever doing that.
.136. ] Kissed a friend's brother or sister: ...No.
.137. ] Kissed a brother or sister's friend: No, that's fucking gross. They're like ten.
.138. ] Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways?: Lmfaooo yes, but only because I was pissed at mom.
" Y E S OR N O "
.195. ] Are you a vegetarian: Can't say that I am.
.196. ] Do you like cows: Yes. 8D
.197. ] Are you a bitch: To most, yes.
.198. ] Are you artistic: I like to think I am.
.199. ] Do you write poetry: I have been recently.
.200. ] Are you a fast runner: Yes.
.201. ] Can you ski: I don't know.
.202. ] Are you British: I'm always doing the accent lmfao. It's crazy.
.203. ] Are you straight: I don't know.
.204. ] Are you stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: Insane, possibly.
.205. ] Are you short: No.
.207. ] Are you tall: ? I guess so. For a girl.
.208. ] Do you own a hot pink shirt? Several.
.209. ] How about orange pants? No lmfao but I'd try anything once.
.210. ] Are you evil: Yes. *<8D
.211. ] Is Britney a whore: She needs to die.
.212. ] Am I annoying you: Nope
.213. ] Are you secretly from another planet: Shh. Don't tell.
214. ] Did you ever touch someone else's private parts? With my foot yes. 8D
" P R I V A T E "
.139. ] Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: No.
.140. ] Do you have a crush: I suppose.
.141. ] Do you love anyone right now: In love, no. Love, yes.
.142. ] Have you ever been in love: You asked this, and I don't know.
.143. ] How many people have you kissed: None really, that I give a shit about. I'm not a kissy person. Those types scare me.
.144. ] Who was your first kiss: I was like, four lmfao.
.145. ] How many hearts have you broken: I don't know.
.146. ] How many people broke your heart: Quite a few.
.147. ] Best quote to sum up love: I don't really know.
.148. ] So what is your bf/gf/crush like: He's hot.
.149. ] Do you have a picture of him/her: Yes.
.150. ] Please post it if you do:
.151. ] Do you have a picture of yourself: Yes.
.152. ] Please post it if you do: Scroll down.
.153. ] Do you go by looks or personality: Personality.
.154. ] Ever kiss a friend: Yes. Well, I was more kissed by him than anything.
.155. ] Are you still friends: Not really.
.156. ] So moving along . . . do you smoke: I don't.
.157. ] Do you smoke weed: No.
.158. ] Crack, heroin, anything else: No.
.159. ] Beer good or beer bad: Beer bad.
.160. ] Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: I've never had one.
.161. ] Do you like smirnoff ice: o_O I don't know what it is.
.162. ] Prefer beer or liquor: Neither really.
.163. ] What kind of cigarettes do you smoke: I don't smoke any.
.164. ] Are you a virgin: Yes.
.165. ] If not, when was the last time you got some: Go die.
" W H A T D I D Y O U D O "
.215. ] Last birthday: Had a family party thing.
.216. ] Yesterday: Went online.
.217. ] Last weekend: Same thing. Went to dads, bowled and slept.
.218. ] Christmas: Mother got in a car crash because she overdosed on her medicine. Christmas SUCKED.
.219. ] Thanksgiving: Food.
.220. ] New year's: I don't know. o_O
.221. ] Halloween: I was a witch. 8D
.222. ] Easter: I think my cousin was baptised.
.223. ] Valentine's day: Nothing.
" T H E L A S T . . "
.224. ] Thing you ate: A brownie.
.225. ] Thing you drank: Meeilk.
.226. ] Thing you wore: Black shirt and blank and pink pants.
.227. ] Place you went: My dad's house.
.228. ] Thing you got pierced/tattooed: My cartilidge.
.229. ] Person you saw: Nana.
.230. ] Person you kissed: Mom, if that counts.
.231. ] Person you fucked: Nobody.
.233. ] Song you heard: I'm listening to My Last Breath.
.234. ] Person you hugged: My brother I think, or my dad.
.235. ] Person you instant messaged: My bisatch last night I think.
.236. ] Person you laughed with: Well, I laugh 'with' my bisatch all the time but, that's through a computer screen.
" N O W "
.237. ] What are you eating: Nothing.
.238. ] What are you drinking: I'm about to drink some orange shinizzle. 8D
.239. ] What are you wearing: My Reanimation shirt and pj pants.
.240. ] Any shoes on: No.
.241. ] Hair: Messy as fuck.
.242. ] Listening to: Whisper.
.243. ] Talking to anyone: No.
.244. ] Are you pissed I made this so long: Not really.
" O P I N I O N S"
.245. ] What do you think...about pop music: It's okay as long as it's not just stupid bullshit vocals on top of a dumbass beat.
.246. ] About boy bands: NSYNC was good.
.247. ] About flag burning: It's a piece of fabric. Who gives a fuck? <-- That was stated well.
.248. ] Of the war on terrorists: Bush needs to have a bomb dropped on him.
.249. ] About suicide: I don't know really. It depends on the person. If you know you're going to get out of the bad situation you're in, and you're just don't want to wait til things get better, I think it's stupid. But if you have no other way out, then I think it's alright. It really depends on the situation with me.
.250. ] About abortion: It shouldn't be used for a contraceptive for sloots.
.251. ] Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: I think I'll be in jail for killing Avril Lavigne at the VMAs. 8D
.252. ] Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Steph.
" F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S "
.253. ] I want: you. *kissy face*
.254. ] I wish: I was in Kentucky right now.
.255. ] I love: Mike. lmfao I had to. <3
.256. ] I miss: My bisatch.
.257. ] I fear: my face today.
.258. ] I hear: Evanescence.
.259. ] I wonder: I don't know.
.260. ] How do you know its love?: I don't know, and that was random.
.261. ] If you could be any kids character, who would you be: I don't know.
.262. ] If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat: Last night I said cheesy gordita crunches, but I don't know. ^O_O>
.263. ] Do you remember any of your dreams: Recently I have been, but not last night's dream.
.264. ] Do you dream in color or black and white: Color.
.265. ] Do you admit when you need help with a problem: Not really. I like to figure things out for myself.
.266. ] Can people read you like a book: No.
.267. ] What's your biggest fear: Rejection.
.268. ] Do you talk a lot: It depends. Most of the time I do.
.269. ] Are you afraid of clowns: That one from 'It' scares the fuck out of me but other than that, not really.
.270. ] Do you like spiders: Not really.
.271. ] How about grape kool-aid: Kool Aid is the spawn of me. Seriously. ^O_O^
.272. ] Can you drive: Yes.
.273. ] Are you spoiled: No.
.274. ] Are you anti-social: Not really.
.275. ] Do you see dumb people: Yes.
.276. ] Do you see dead people: I don't see ghosts like I used to. Perhaps it's just a kid thing.
.277. ] Any last words: Would you like...to touch...my penis?
.278. ] Now that this is over, what are you going to do: You. 8D