Who's Your Favorite Linkin Park Member?:Chester Why?:because his voice owns you, as well as his sessiness Which Member's Is Your Fav Personality?:probably chester as well Why?:because he's crabbed as hell Which Member's Style//Closet Do You Prefer?:i like mikes closet Why?:because his closet is sexy. *tapes it* Which Member's Talent Do You Admire The Most?:chester Why?:his lyrics and voice own you, we went over this *bisatch skaks you* Which Member Is The Most Good Looking?:...o_O CHESTER GOD DAMNIT Why?:...wtf, he's visually appealing you dumbfuck. why ELSE would he be good looking? What's Your Fav LP Song?:numb, my december, and pushing me away Why:the lyrics, music...just everything gives me chills about those songs What's Your Fav Linkin Park Lyric?:anything from numb Why?:just because...i love the song bitch. WHY DO YOU ASK WHY AFTER EVERYTHING What's Your Fav Name Out Of The Members?:Chester Charles Bennington, because its grandpa-ish What's your fav LP Nickname?:Britney. Why?:ERAHAHRHAHHAHAHAH *skaks brad* What's Your Second?:Feenicks Why?:because your mom told me to say so. Which One's The Funniest To You? Why?:Uh...member or nickname? Funniest member would be Joe or Chester. Why?:...you asked why twice you bitch *skaks you* Which One Do You Really Would Like To Tickle?:Mike Why?:Because he seems like he'd laugh like a little school girl, and that would amuse me. Which One Are You Most Like?:Chester most likely Why?:because we're crabbed as hell o_o Which One Are You Less Like?:Feenicks Why?:Because I'm not a flamingly pink ghey poodle. THATS WHY Which One's Hair Do You Like Most? Why?:Mike's, because he made his black and red. Which One's Eyes Do You Like Most? Why?:They all have brown eyes lmfao, so I don't know. It's a conspiracy. o_O Which One's Body Do You Like Most? Why?:Chester, because he's scrawny. Scrawny <3 Which One's Attitude Do You Like The Most? Why?:Attitude...I've only really seen an attitude out of Chester, so...GO CHESTER!! Which One's Attitude Do You Like Less? Why?:Your mothers, because she stole my plastic santa. Which One Is Most Confusing?:Joe lmfao Why?:...because he's fucking crabbed as hell lmfao Give Me A Reason Why You Would Dislike Linkin Park...:I don't really have one. As long as they stay down to earth and write good music, I'd have absolutely no reason to dislike them. Fav Song Off Hybrid Theory HT?:wtf...i'm assuming this means the ep? high voltage Hybrid Theory LP?:pushing me away Meteora LP?:numb Why Do You like LP In The First Place?:Because their music owns. Whore. Are You Jealous Of LP's wives?:Yes. Why?:Plainly because they get to hang out with my favorite band. No sexual envying here. How Much Do You Know About LP?:More than the average person I guess. What Would You Most Like To Know About Linkin Park?:If Mike really has ever wanted to pinch his nipples at Joelle. Do You Accuse A LP Member Of Being A Certain Thing, If What?:I'd accuse them of wanting to take over the world before my bisatch and I.
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