(no subject)

Jan 20, 2007 14:39

Van and I got in our first huge fight/argument.
I guess it started when the other day I only talked to him for about 2 minutes,
and he said he would call me right back after he got done eating...(and that was at about 7)
at about 12:30 am, i was going to bed, and sent him a text saying
"I'm going to bed...I guess you're still eating since you haven't called me back, goodnight"
OK...thats que for him to call me...but does he?! NO...he just texts me "I'm sorry, I got sidetracked. goodnight"
The next day....didn't hear from him all day until about 4 and I got a text saying "I love you...I'm sorry for not calling, please forgive me"
OK....sure forgive him, no big deal...but if he was so sorry, why didn't he call me???
The day progressed, and STILL no phone call until about 10:30. At this point I was in a movie
I texted him "I'm in a movie, I'll call you later, maybe" then another "I might get sidetracked"
So after the movie at about 1 am, he called. He was kind of drunk. I said I really wanted him to come see me sometime
and he said "I don't have enough money to come see you"
Hm....then when I asked him what he did today/tonight, he goes on to say that today,
he picked up his check and cashed it today, went out to eat, rented 2 movies and a video game
(but yet not enough money for a tank of gas to come see me?!)
OH...and not to mention he rented LOST Season 1, which I have spent tons of time trying to find and downloaded as a birthday present for him
(he knew I was doing this...he said thats what he wanted) because I don't have enough money to buy him anything.
That kind of pissed me off...oh well. he's not getting a birthday present from me!
He ended the convo by saying "call me tomorrow" and I said "NO. I'm not calling you again. YOU call ME. You need to learn how to pick up a phone and call me"

So anyway...right after I got off the phone with him, Terri sent me a text message saying
"They went to the strip club tonight, should this bother me"
Yeah, I don't care that he went, but the fact that HE LIED to me....yeah...I was livid.
I called him....trying to be nice talked for a second and asked
"What did you do tonight again?
HE said..."I already told you"
"Well...I want to know again"
"We just hung out at the house and played video games"
I said..."Well a little birdie told me otherwise"
"What little birdie, what?!"
"Don't worry about it. If you feel as if you have something to tell me, give me a call."
I hung up. A few min later he sent me a text saying he didn't have service and he'd call me in a few minutes.
I answered the phone...and he said something along the lines of "I'm sorry...I lied to you"
me: long pause full of crying/shaking because i was so mad "I don't want to talk to you right now" and hung up.
I finally called him back....I don't remember exactly what was said...but I was yelling saying something
along the lines of how I'm not mad that he went, I'm mad that he lied to me. He was like...I understand
you can be mad at me for as long as you want...etc etc.

Since he doesnt have enough money to come see me, I sent him a text asking
"How much money (that you "don't have") did you spend at the strip club?"
he goes..."Please. Im the biggest piece of shit im ever going to be right now. I dont need any sarcasm"
I said "no...tell me how much"
he went on to say he bought a 4.75 dollar of beer and spent $5 for a lap dance for robby...
Van said "I thought you were going to bed"
I said...."I'm too mad to sleep right now"
he said..."....I'm sorry?"
I said..."that doesn't help any"
he said "Well neither does telling me how mad you are at me" "I already know I'm a fuckup"
I said "Well, I can't argue with that one"
He said "Thank you"
I said "mmhmm"
Then he goes "OK im going to bed, I've had all the sarcasm I can handle for one night"
and I said "After what you did, I feel as if i can be as sarcastic as I want"
he goes "True, but that doesnt mean im going to sit here and take it" "Goodnight"

I don't know what to do.
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