Um, yeah. Update?

Mar 28, 2009 15:22

It's been a while since I've posted, so I thought I'd procrastinate and do that. I've been sick on and off (my tonsils/throat) for...IDK how long, but a long time. Over a month. Anyway, I've been busy with homeworking and trying to get everything I need done on time or in a timely manner. I'm stressed out, which is why I think I'm continuously getting sick. I learned in psych that some people's bodies deal with stress by getting sick in their "weak" part of the body. Mine's my throat/tonsils. I'm getting things done, though, and it feels pretty good. Things keep getting thrown at me in an attempt to break me down, it seems, but I think it's going to be okay. I'm so close to being done!

My directing scene is going really well. I'm hoping to have a good quality video (the sound is the issue I'm having, actually) up so you guys can watch it. :)

I'll be seeing RENT next Saturday with Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal! I'm super stoked. :D

Spring break was fun, but I was sick for half of it and couldn't go out. Stupid. Oh well. Summer will be here soon!

I'll be getting my tonsils out on June 4th and won't be able to do anything for at least two to three weeks. It'll give me time to relax, I guess. That means you should all bring me Slurpees. :D haha.

I guess that's it. I need to get stuff done. Later. <3
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