A blow-off final today (theatrical makeup; it'll be simple), then tomorrow I have a more serious final (theatre history) and a final that doesn't matter too much (social psych; I can still pass even if I don't take the final).
All I can do is hope for the best in all my affairs in the next day. If all goes well, I should be packing my car up and leaving (or already leaving) in twenty-four hours.
- Packing all I can.
- Final at 3:15PM. A-!
- Packing all I can.
- Studying.
- Sleeping.
- Final at 8AM.
- Final at 10:15AM.
- Packing up my car.
- Leaving for Christmas break.
I'm anxious, nervous, and stressed out, which is bringing out my allergies.
Fun fact: getting sick is how some people deal with stress or a huge change, positive or negative. See? I learned something from my psych classes.